DP-32SD White noise instead of audio after bounce and importing


New Member
Jun 30, 2024
Gear owned
Tascam recorders
Unit. DP-32SD with latest firmware updated.

Hi, how do you fix this without starting over?

1st issue... I was bouncing 2 mono tracks, 7 & 8 to 1 stereo track, 21/22. 7 & 8 are back up vocals recorded directly onto the unit. I was doing it in sections in order to get the volumes equal and all in uniform. After about a dozen or so, the next bounce section on playback had white noise blaring out of the right side. I did an undo and tried again. This next attempt work like the previous. Next bounce, problem returns, sometimes both sides, sometimes just left or right. It’s now taking several attempts and prayers to just get one to bounce work. WTF?

2nd issue…After doing dozens and dozens of exports and imports, some to fix and adjust volume levels, and some to fix parts of wav file using WavPad, the white noise bounce problem has now included an audio playback import white noise problem. The silent parts of the file are quiet. It’s not until the audio part starts that the audio is a loud, full blast white noise!

I’m running 48k/24bit and double checked my conversions to save file as.

I saved my song as it currently is and was thinking of deleting unused files under “Song” hoping maybe that will fix it since there are quite a few now, but don’t want to loose anything I’ve recorded or the settings for each track.

So anyone on here that know what’s causing all this and corrective action? Any design engineers from Tascam that can help? I read previous trends about same subject but no clear solution so far from 7 years past. Bounce and import, white noise.

I’m using windows. 32g card checks out on usable SD’s per Tascam site.



Update. I just recorded a guitar track and on playback 2nd pass no guitar just white noise. Now I can’t record, import, or bounce. This is a new development. I’ve been recording and editing, importing/exporting for weeks with no issues until today. Any help is welcomed. I backed up and saved everything including exporting all the tracks.
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Ok for anyone that may have experienced a similar episode while here’s what’s seems to be the cure. I must have had a pretty good build up of “Unused” tracks because after I deleted them in the song folder the problem appears to have resolved its self. I imported and uploaded several tracks and they all went fine. From what I understand those zz audio files piece together everything you do and perhaps something was corrupted or just too many of them in there so there you have it.

If anyone else has experienced the same problem please reply. I’d like to keep this discussion open for the time being just to be 100% certain I’m good.

Never experienced it -- but seriously, thanks for sharing this post and update, as hearing about "what not to do" from others on this forum is as important as learning what/how to do.

Old No7
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What he said (@Old No7)...

For anyone who's concerned with it - there's a thread on the forum (search "consolidate") about consolidating a highly-fragmented track (consisting of oodles of "*.zz" fragments) to create a single, continuous zz file for that track (thus eliminating the P/S's need to manage/arrange/play the track from a string of zz's).
I'm not certain that doing so is critical (my workflow is such that almost EVERY track of any given project consists of countless edits, punch-in/outs, etc - and has many of those zz fragments)...

But - in order to minimize the processing strain, I DO tend to [Delete Unused] on ANYthing I'm working on, once I've gotten the take/edits/etc I want, to clear out the garbage I created while doing so (and thus remove the need for the DP to keep track of them)...I even eliminate/delete Virtual Tracks that are unsatisfactory and aren't in consideration of being used.
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Never experienced it -- but seriously, thanks for sharing this post and update, as hearing about "what not to do" from others on this forum is as important as learning what/how to do.

Old No7
You’re welcome and I couldn’t agree more.
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