DP-24SD as simple mixer?


New Member
Aug 23, 2018
Gear owned
Hello all

I'm new here and to the DP 24SD, so pleas be gentle with me. I think my question is fairly simple, I hope the answer is equally so, in a positive way. I want to input 8 mono signals (inputs 1-8) and then control their levels with their associated faders, 1-8. Can I do this?


Thanks Mark. Yes I've watched Phil's tutorials and they are excellent. I may well have missed something, there's a lot of information to absorb there, but I don't recall seeing a way to achieve what I'm after, i.e. I'd like to have faders 1-8 control inputs 1-8 and it be reflected in chanell 1-8 visual displays.

Any pointer in the right direction would be much appreciated. Thanks.
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(I've edited this post)

You can get close to what what you're describing here:

I'd like to have faders 1-8 control inputs 1-8 and it be reflected in chanell 1-8 visual displays.

You just won't be able to control the visual meter display with the track faders.

What you'll need to do.... is to route (assign) all 8 inputs to the track section (tracks 1-8 I'll assume), arm all eight for recording (this will send the input signal to the stereo bus and on to the stereo outs), and then control the level of each track with the track fader. You will see the input signal of each track in the display - but the fader level will have no control over the visual meter jumping up and down. This is because the meter is *before* the track fader. The *only* control of the input level before the meter is the input trim adjustment. So, if you're ok with being able to control the audio level of each track and to just accept that the input level meter will not reflect adjustment by the fader... then you're good to go!

Hope this helps.
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To expand a bit on David's reply, the track faders have no effect on the input signal level. They only control the output signal of the track to the stereo bus. The stereo master bus meter will display the combined output signal of all 8 tracks, and if you solo an individual track, the stereo master bus meter will display the output signal of that track. This gives some ability to compare the input signal (shown on the individual track meter) and the output signal ( soloed on the stereo master bus meter).

Also, keep in mind the Source (A~H) Trim Knob is not a volume control. Yes, it will allow some adjustment of the input signal at the Source input jack that will be reflected by the track meter; but serving as an input volume control isn't its intended purpose.
Going into the weeds a bit:
The Trim Knob is a variable pad meant to tame low impedance mic input levels. As it turns counter-clockwise, it decreases the Input jack's sensitivity. If it were a switch instead of a knob, it would be labeled "line" on the left and "mic" on the right, and have two midway positions labeled "mic -40dB" and "mic -20dB".

The Trim Knob is there to reduce the level of a hot low impedance mic signal, and in that context it impersonates a volume reduction control when moved counter clockwise from the full mic signal (right side) position.

If set initially to "Line" (for a line level High Impedance source), moving the Trim Knob clockwise will increase the sensitivity of the Input jack (thus increasing the input signal level), but it also changes the impedance of the Input jack. Full left is High Impedance (to match with a high impedance line level source); and changes to Low Impedance once moved off of full left, creating an impedance mismatch (high impedance source/low impedance circuit) which can have a negative impact both on the line level signal quality and the electrical circuitry.

There are some threads on this if you want to get into the tall weeds. A search on "Trim Knob" should find them.
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OK, thanks guys. I was hoping there would be some way of controlling the 'virtual' input faders in the mixer window, with the physical faders, it would seem not. Bit disappointing, but I'll just have to make do.
A quick follow up re the "Virtual Fader" for others who may be following this tread.
The "Virtual Fader" in the "Source" (A~H) Mixer screen goes straight to the Stereo bus and to the Bounce bus, bypassing the Track inputs and the Recorder (so no need to arm the track to hear/adjust the Source input signal). This signal can be metered using the Stereo Master bus or Bounce bus meter. There's no impact on the Track input signal meter; the Track input signal level; or the Track output signal level.

This can be useful at times when creating initial tracks, when overdubbing, and when adding new material in real time to a bounce track.

Assigning Source inputs to the Stereo bus allows the performer to have a custom mix of the Source signals in real time (if the performer needs or wants one) that doesn't depend on or impact the Track levels going to the Recorder or that pass through/depend on the Track Fader levels going to the Stereo bus. The Source input signal once assigned to the stereo bus also can be mixed into a Bounce track in real time along with the previously recorded tracks being bounced.
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