Dp-24 exporting


New Member
Jul 4, 2016
Gear owned
Tascam dp-24
I have had my dp-24 for about 2 years now and have created great audio from it. Exporting files havnt been an issue until a month ago when I took my Dp to a live gig and recorded 4 hours of music. (About 1.2 gig per track) (stereo)
Returning home I went to export my files direct to my PC (as I usually do) but found I couldn't export the 2 tracks as they were to large.
Q; What's the maximum size the Dp can export in any given track in Audio Depot, for transfer via USB .?? :)
As far as I know, file limits are due to the format used for the sd-card. The default for cards up to 2GB is FAT16 giving a file limit of 2GB. Larger cards use FAT32 with a file limit of 4GB. Your 1.2GB tracks should be ok either way... but exporting a track collates the work file(s) for that track in the Music folder and creates a new file in the AudioDepot folder, so is there enough free space on the card (use Menu/Info to check)?

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