DP-02 freezing when turning on


New Member
Mar 26, 2025
Gear owned

I recently got a DP-02 but whenever I try to turn it on, it starts to turn on (it has that little intro clip) but then it freezes. The Assign A, Assign B, and Mono x2 lights are on when it freezes and it doesn't seem to respond to any button presses.

I read somewhere that it might be the hard drive so I opened up the Tascam, took out the HD, ran some diagnostics and it looked good.

I've tried to reset the firmware by holding the Up arrow and Track Edit when it turns on but it freezes before the prompt comes up to go back to Factory Settings.

Does anyone have any other ideas about what might be causing the issue?


Usually corrupted files and/or firmware.

If I were me: I’d completely wipe/reformat the HD (of course you’ve been maintaining a backup protocol, riiiight??); and do a factory reset, and assure that the latest version of the firmware is installed.

After that: you’re probly lookin’ at professional service.

I googled: “tascam dp-02 freezing” and therez plenny discussion of it, so it ain’t just you…

Good luck!

Do you know where I might go for professional service? I feel like my googling for that sort of thing has been largely unsuccessful.
Sorry to hear that...I s'pose google's not for everyone...but it seems like there's nuthin' google can't answer. Even their crapp A.I. engine is smarter than my neighbor (who's too stewpyd to grasp that running powered machinery 8 feet outside my bedroom window at 5:15am is pretty inconsiderate...)😆

I dunno who in your area as an INDEPENDENT tech/repair service would work on it - but if you want Tascam's official authorized service centers, go to their website>support>authorized service link. There's a handful scattered around the nation.

Good luck!😎
Ok, thanks! Yeah, I tried googling around and while there are a number of results for "tascam dp-02 freezing" they are all slightly different than what's happening with me: sometimes it could be a formatting issue with the SD Card, sometimes it's the hard drive that has to be replaced, sometimes it's freezing when recording.

But, I reached out to the authorized service link and we'll see what they say. I know there's an independent electronics repair guy near me, but it will cost a good chunk of change to diagnose it. So, we'll see what Tascam says.

Thanks again!
Ok, so the tascam people said that I could ship it to em in LA to look at for however much it'll cost.

However, I opened it up again and I saw some black sludge on the Main PCB.

I tried cleaning it off to see, maybe, hopefully, it would just work but alas, not surprisingly, it did not.

So I reached out to the tascam people for the price of a replace main board; I can't imagine it'll be cheap.

But I did consider looking for a replacement "330K M85" and two "6V 47 XFS" and maybe if I replaced those it could work. But I haven't been able to find those parts anywhere.


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