DP-006: -12db ref line?


New Member
Jul 6, 2014
Gear owned
DR-8, DP-006

In UM, p. 35, says : (7) Level meter guide: for adjusting input, output levels, indicates -12db.

So I recorded a constant sound, while making sure the level touches this line. When I then import the track in Audacity, the waveform(db) track display as well as mixer board tell me the sound is between -18 and -16 db, whiole I would have expected -12.

what am I missing?

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This could be related to different pan laws used in Audacity and the Tascam. Try a test with a mono signal - should be the same then (though still differences can be there due to references used).
You'll have to compare mono files first to say anything about levels compared between audacity and the Tascam - too many variables otherwise.
ok, but what you see in the pic is already mono - it's the left channel. it's not some summed output of left+right.
Because your question is about comparing levels indicated by the Tascam and Audacity, what needs to be established first is how either indicates levels. That is simply harder with stereo files because they will have to adhere to pan laws. Taking one of the two stereo channels and considering it 'mono' makes things even more confusing.

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