Do I need to reformat my SD card, problem on a track -3 dB


New Member
Dec 5, 2020
Gear owned
DP-24 SD, DP-008ex
I do not know if there is a post about that.

I don't know why. When I start a new project there is always a difference of -3 dB on track no.5.

If I compare with another track the volume with the sliders at the position, I get -3 dB on the screen for track 5.

Do I need to reformat my SD card?

Also a small problem to activate and desactivate the record button on track 9, strange. Thanks.
  • Please be more precise re Stereo Master Fader physical position; and Track #5's: actual physical fader position v. digital fader level as shown in the Mix screen; as well as the position of Pan Knob, EQ settings, Input Dynamic settings, etc. Always best to start each new project with a factory reset; or create a template to reset to a known state (watch tutorial video #2 in the sticky thread "Tutorial and Informational Videos For DP-32/24/32SD/24SD").
  • Not an SD card issue.
  • Probably some dust in the Track 9 Record button switch. Easiest solution is a small squirt of Deoxit electric contact cleaner.
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Thanks refer to Deoxit electric contact cleaner.

For track 5, i explain.

If i place the fader level at zero on the board, i have -3 dB on the screen.

The pan at center no EQ.
Good idea, i'll listen tutorial 2.

I have no Assign, no Dynamic FX and no effect.

I have maked a PDF file to show you pictures on

Strange because it has change. Yesterday i work on my DP24 and it was different on the screen. The level was less 3 dB.
Strange behavior, indeed.
Looks like electric/ contact problem. Contact spray would be my next step.
Thanks dctdct. I will do it.

I have formated my SD Card Sunday and no change. I have updated too.

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