DM4800 with New Apple Mac Pro (Thrunderbolt Connection)


New Member
Jan 1, 2013
Gear owned
I am about to go for a new mac, problem is, it doesn't take PCIe cards.
Just wondering the best way to connect my DM4800? I don't have a tascam if-fw/dm mkii card installed, just two additional adat cards.
I have been using tdif to a MOTU 2408 to connect to my old mac which has a PCIe card.
Thanks for any help you can give me.
What new helps if you're more specific. Sadly most "new" Macs are not very "Pro" these days. If you can hold off I strongly suggest getting an older MacPro refurb from the likes of Other World Computing or even locally to where you live. That's what most of us in Pro Audio do ...stay with the last "Pro" spec rigs...they're completely fast enough, upgradable and OS friendly.
Thats a great suggestion, I hadn't thought of buying refurbished. My Mac is early 2008,
2 x 2.8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon. So I will definitely look in to getting something more up to date. Thank you for your help.
Your Mac is just over the edge of modding to the last greatest upgrade versions. My mid 2009 dual Xeon let me do a CPU transplant and firmware hack that let's that vintage machine be recognized as a 5,1 computer (Nehalem to Westmere class) this allows faster ram to be used and seen at full bus speed as well. The transplant is not difficult but not for the faint of heart or a newbie if you've never rolled a DIY rig or been inside a Mac. These Westmere class Macs are the ones I was recommending, unless your budget won't go that far. There are plenty of my OEM Nehalem 4,1 boxes out there as well but I still suggest getting to the top legacy rung with a 5,1 machine. There's a lot of future proof with that. We're even able to run the latest OS X Sierra tho I hang back with Yosemite for my work as of now.
+1 for an upgraded older Mac Pro.
I upgraded my 2009 to a 12 core 3.46ghz machine and it has more than enough juice to run sessions. Plus, the CPU chips are pretty cheap on eBay and it is super easy to do yourself if you have any technical know-how.
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