Lovely build! Has anyone else had a go at building their own furniture? It's something I'd like to do one day. If anyone has any drawings/measurements I'd love to see them!
Its changed a bit since these photos as I have added heaps of rack gear. Got some before and after pics in there also so you can see initial construction. It was a fun project and well worth the time to have a one off build. But it does consume your time for while...I found planing was the key - Success is the residue of preparation!
Are those some new pics of your desk Gary? You're right on with the planning. I spent about 40 hours doing a 3D model of my desk. I've uploaded some plans of the build.
No, Ive been lazy and haven't done any new pics, I should since I have more gear in it but just keeps slipping my mind. Good 3D models there. They really help in figuring out what you want to do etc.
Believe it or not I used Google Sketchup. I'd prefer not to share my model as I may be doing some custom builds for people plus I spent a lot of time creating it. Sorry.