DM4800 CF card unit

What's the best phone number to call? We're in Baltimore.
It's listed on the support page for parts. It gives their number.
I called Tascam today.

According to Tascam parts and service (714) 562-7400 and operations support (323) 726-0303, there is no way to have our DM3200 Main Board ROM software converted to DM4800.

Tascam requires all internal repairs to be done in house in LA at their shop so that would mean shipping the entire DM4800 mixer to them and back from Baltimore. Then there’s a $30 diagnostic fee. At that point they would call and tell me what the repair would cost (no way to get that info sooner) and if we say yes, they do the repair, likely using a scavanged used Main Board from one of their parts units in the shop and then ship it back at our cost. It could easily be hundreds of dollars for that. I forgot to ask if they'd take the used DM3200 main board in exchange.

So that's where we stand. I need to decide if I want to pay for the shipping to LA and back.
@TU_CTL Any update on this? I'm having pretty much exactly the same issue. Replaced my mainboard with a working DM3200 mainboard and now the DM4800 thinks it's a DM3200.

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