Dm3200 buss routing question


Feb 13, 2018
Gear owned
On my dm3200 whether I’m on the first layer (ch1-6) or second (ch25-32?) channels 1 and 2 are always 1&2 together? On my dm4800 they can be stereo or separate. Is there something I may be missing? The manual says nothing about it. And no I don’t have those or any other channels linked together.
@Steve714800 If you are referring to how channels 1-2 are linked it is very simple to unlink them. Hold down the channel select button of channel 1 while simultaneously holding down the select button of channel 2. A message will appear on your display asking you to confirm the unlink
I had actually said in the original post that the stereo or the channels were not stereo linked. If you try using the bus routing buttons on the left side of the console above the balance knobs, it only gives you one and two not one or two in either direct or stereo. Again, though the channels are not linked, and the console has been reset.
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@Steve714800 Sorry Steve I missed that. Let me read through that post again.
Yes, but of course on the 3200 you don’t have as many assignment buttons. Yes, when you push one, it automatically has two joined with it. I have yet to find any way to undo that like I said, the console has been reset.
Edit: I think the buttons that you’re referring to are the two green ones that are lit. I’m referring to the series of small gray buttons in the upper left-hand corner of your picture.
I tried posting a photo, but it won’t let me. I’m specifically referring to the bus assignment buttons.
Alright so I think that I may have resolved your issue . When you select Buss 1 for example both 1 and 2 become selected. When they are both lit up hold Shift and then select buss 1. That should unlink them

Always glad to be of assistance.

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