DM3200 and Logic Pro X Routing


New Member
Sep 22, 2020
Gear owned
Hey Guys

I am looking for a way to route signal from Logic Pro X to my DM3200 for mixing. Also how to route the signal back into Logix Pro X for printing.
The legacy way is to utilize the IF-FW/dm mkii card as a slot card on the back of the mixer. You then convert the firewire cable to thunderbolt for input on the Mac. The only issue is a driver to run the IF-FW/dm mkii card on the Mac platform. You can find the latest drivers in this thread...but I'm running an old version MacOS Mohave. The compatibility with newer versions can be tricky...definitely something you want to look into before you buy the IF-FW/dm mkii card for $400-$500.

This card does allow 32 channels to directly input and output to Logic Pro X, which is totally cool.

If sure there is probably another option to utilize the digital out from a IF-AE/DM Expansion Card which would give you 8 digital in and outs. You would need a way to convert the D-Sub pin out to Mac (USB,Thunderbolt).

A lot of great information is in the threads about connecting with the slot cards...

Logic is another beast. You need to make sure that it is internally recognizing the Tascam. To do this, you first need to set up the MIDI controllers in Logic. Go to Logic Pro X, Preferences, General, Control Surfaces, Setup, then add Mackie Controller. More in the threads about this as well.

This is daunting...let me know if you need help. It's the steepest curve to getting started.

Hi Dan

Thank you very much for the response.
I have the F-FW/dm mkii expansion card already installed on the console. I managed to connect the Console via Firewire and USB on my Mac running Mojave 10.14.6. I can see all the 32 channels In and Out. The transport and fader controls also working.

The article below helped me a great deal

Everything is working perfectly.
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