DM24 Screen Repair

you are welcome :)
24k instead of 27k : not a good idea, the smd you removed was a 18k. You could try 30k instead of 27k...
Let us know if you try it ;-)

EDIT : I tried 30k and it is worse :-(
So I tried 26k and it is far better.
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I bought one of the replacement screens that need the R3 changing but how on earth is that done? It's microscopic, how do I get the existing R3 taken out. I would have thought I would need to open the tabs to get at the underside of the PCB but if I do that, then I'll get a screen with lines again if I disturb the alignment of the board and screen.

It just looks impossible to desolder the existing R3 let alone replace it. Is it possible to put in another resistor in parallel with the existing R3?

Would 18k + 9k in parallel = 27k?

If I can't get this done it looks like my affair of 8 years with the DM24 is over and am leaving it for an 02R or 01V96, this screen issue really was a massive c*ckup on the part of TASCAM. I was even considering a new DM3200 but my experience with TASCAM has put me off all their products. I was one off those fools that invested heavily in Gigastudio, and we know where that went!
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The R3 is soldered on top, and yes it 's tiny but it will come off when you desolder it.
Since R3 is small it 's best to replace it by only 1 resistor. See the images and pdf file previously posted.

PS I didn't try the 30k LCD still shines like new with27k
Firstly, thanks a lot for the speedy reply. But I cannot see how it can be desoldered without opening the metal tags to get at the underside of the board, and the tip of my soldering iron is bigger than the resistor itself, the resistors are so tightly packed onto the PCB it seems impossible to get at the solder to melt it.

Are there special soldering irons to get at such miniscule components?

If I do undo the metal tags to lift the screen away then of course I have no way of re-aligning the screen so will end up with a screen full of lines! There's no way I want to undo those tags

The previous image does show at 27k attached, yes, but not how to attach it?

The PDF is in French and again, shows the resistor in question but not how to get it off :-(

Would I be better taking the screen to someone who for example repairs cell phones at component level and thus have the ability to get at such tiny components?
The tip of a soldering iron for electronic components is normally small enough, get a new one or find someone who can do this job for you. It's only 5min of work to replace the resistor.

You don't need to get to the underside of the pcb board. The resistors are soldered on top. The small spots of tin on the side of the resistor are the connecting points<<<hold your iron against it, and the resistor will come off.
yes have been having a closer look. I think I am best off getting a new soldering iron with a tiny tip and getting one of those magnifying glasses - I don't have 20-20 vision. Thanks for the info
Complete crock of crap. This new screen made it worse! I got rid of the horizontal lines, only to get even more vertical ones. So I had another go at soldering and the copper track came of the board - so that's £60 gone straight in the dustbin and the mixer going on eBay. I've had my bellyfull of TASCRAP - have put the old screen back, it's bad enough but better than the replacement turned out to be
This is pretty old thread but i'm trying to replace my screen here on the DM 4800. I don't want to damage it and thought i would ask before i just pull this thing out. I am talking about the flat ribbon cable that is connected to the LCD screen. How do i disconnect? Is there some kind of special way or do i just pull out the ribbon?
Complete crock of crap. This new screen made it worse! I got rid of the horizontal lines, only to get even more vertical ones. So I had another go at soldering and the copper track came of the board - so that's £60 gone straight in the dustbin and the mixer going on eBay. I've had my bellyfull of TASCRAP - have put the old screen back, it's bad enough but better than the replacement turned out to be

So, as I understand this, you bought a replacement screen that wasn't branded for Tascam, fiddled with it, and it didn't work right. And somehow, this is Tascam's fault.

Okay, then.
Was just following the suggestions given here on this forum, seems like that's wasn't a wise thing to do. Anyway, I did get a permanent fix, I sold the thing and replaced it with Yamaha 01V96 - brilliant piece of kit, leaves the DM in its dust
I know from long experience with Yamaha mixers that none of them leave the DM "in (their) dust," especially not the 01V. Also pretty sure that the vertical lines you complained of couldn't happen... I don't think that display draws any vertical lines, and that diode failure will always result in horizontal lines. And there's just as much advice, if not more, on this forum telling readers to not screw around with their LCD screens as its a lot of bother and the results are rarely good (but I understand your need to express that none of this is the result of you taking on a mod that's way above your skill set, and strictly not your fault in any way). Finally, if you replaced your DM, why are you still hanging around reading this forum? Shouldn't you be bitching about your board's clunky automation on The Yamaha Forum by now?

This all adds up, IMO, to someone who is fabricating or augmenting a story in order to generate angry replies. I think there's an Internet-standard word for that behavior but it escapes me just now.
Oh dear, that stood on your bunion didn't it, from the defensive tone you adopt it is clear you must represent the TASCAM Customer Relations Department and they are about as much use as chocolate teapot, either that or you were weaned on a pickle. I don't know if anyone ever got round to telling you but not all the world is in love with the DM (Dunderhead's Mixers) range. I don't know what you're banging on about (sorry bitching in your vernacular) internet standard behavipous, don't know about this new standard where someone is berated for expressing their total dis-appointment by a useless clunk of slopkettle that it is. If the DM is so good - why are there legions of complaints about the thing, eg this thread, dedicate dto just one aspect of it and the complaints reach as far as the eye can and beyond the horizon, that's before we get onto the power supply and such. I stay o this forum to give a balanced opinion, as I do not, like yourself, have an all consuming passion about the DM - I just prefer somethig that works when I turn it on and does not need a new £200 screen every Spring. Hope that answers all your questions and puts your mind at rest, there's a reason for everything
Thanks Jim, WIll try it tomorrow. It just felt wrong pulling it off so i had to ask.
Shachar, I hear you. I thought about it long and hard before I eased that cable out.
I asked for pricing. They gave me around 130 euro for the screen and 30 euro for shipping. Wich seems reasonable.
what about your replacement screen from alibaba ? Do you received it? Is it working?
Nope. First gonna wiggle the connection. Wich is something wich i will attempt next week. First upgraded my daw with w10 and an ssd.

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