DM Routing 'Zen'

That is sound advice CaptDan, thank you! I kind of stumbled into that realization during the last month and a half of trying various routing options, many at the hands of (the gruff, seemingly uncaring, condescention of) various Tascam tech reps who would whisk me through various set ups, none of which worked, all of which they would blame their inability to resolve on a clock issue or DP. Followed by a couple MOTU reps who were helpful enough but didn't know the working of the DM4800 and therefore claimed it probably didn't support the platform, even though I pointed out that MC for DP was right in the menu along side a myriad of other platforms.

Unfortunately my lack of knowledge goes beyond not knowing what routing to use for my inputs and outputs with the 4800 - it's that I don't understand the signal path enough to know what controls what and in what order. In my old Mackie d8b (God rest it's soul) I was able to record all my automation and use of effects right in the board but could not use it as a full control surface for DP, which I had gotten used to and enjoyed- even as cumbersome as it was. But with this current set up I'd like to use the board as a control surface and learn the depth of technology that is available to me to fully utilize the capabilites of the 4800.
Understood. And if you keep working with the board and seeking help here, you will be successful.

I can't advise on DP - I'm strictly a PT10 guy. But we have at least one resident DP expert who uses his setup in a demanding commercial business with the bells ringing all the controller whistles. Once these DM consoles are connected and working within the expectations of their owners, they are formidable units indeed.

The venerable Mackie D8B was an excellent board in its day. It sounded good as well. But it's on a different level than the DMs which are truly hybrid desks - capable of superb sonics and comprehensive DAW control. It's a rare user, though, who hasn't gone through the initial routing gauntlet. The DM consoles feature a unique interface criticized by many as being confusing. Because of its vast interconnectivity capabilities, the DM's menus will confound the unwary. But most of that becomes second nature with practice.

Thanks for the support! I've been beating myself up thinking that it just CAN"T be this darned hard and that I must have lost my edge because I cannot figure this thing out after having read the manual, watched countless YouTube vids about it - all before hooking up a single cable - so to hear others have floundered in the same murky waters is somehow reassuring. Gravity Jim has swung into action as well so I'm sure it's simply a matter of time before I'll be able to start using the board.

Having waited nearly two months has eaten away at the edges of my patience but I'm hopefull I'll have a resolution soon. Thanks again for your uplifing words.
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Dude,,,thanx,,,just by getting a different perspective did my day.

Hola, soy nuevo en el fy hace poquito compre una verdad estoy un poco perdido en la cuestion enrutamiento! Tengo la placa Fireware instalada!
1- Como hago para procesar audios desde nuendo o pro tools con los procesadores dinamicos de la dm3200?
2- Como uso los procesos dinamicos en una toma? Les agradeceria la respuesta!
Hola, si quieres grabar la signal con EQ y Compressor tienes que enviar la signal via uno delos 24 busses .
Perdon, podrias explicarme como hacerlo? Hace poco que tengo la batidora y no la tengo muy clara

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