Hi fellow DM lovers.
I have a dm24 in my garage with lines on the display (changed it TWICE) I also have a 3200 in my studio with the same problem.
I replaced the display on the 3200 twice as well, but both recent replacements caused a high pitch whine that I just couldn't live with... Apparently there is a new batch of LCDs that's bad. At that point I re-installed the old faulty display, which is at least quiet and sent the new replacements back to Tascam and got refunded.
I have at least one, maybe two displays with running lines still around somewhere that were taken out of my dm24.
I could send them to Lubvic and get this thing rolling. In fact, while I live in LA, I'm also Italian (Venice) and planning to visit my family fairly soon, so shipping cost would be minimal....
Che ne pensi Vince? Se vuoi, ti porto i displays in ottobre o novembre quando vado a trovare i miei in Italia.. Se sei ancora interessato a documentare la riparazione, mandami un messaggio appena possibile. Grazie