DM 3200 Slide 1 & Slide 9 moving in tandem on remote: FL Studio 20

Joe BaNkuna

New Member
May 22, 2021
Gear owned
Tascam DM3200
I recently bought a DM3200 for my 15yrs old son to use on his studio. We managed to setup the machine control between FL studio and the DM3200. The transport pad works well too. The problem is when on remote mode channel 1 moves in tandem with channel 9 on Bank 1. It only allows me to move the top faders 1-8 and not the bottom 9-16. So faders 1-8 actually control channels 9-16 in the DAW. Channel 9-16 are hard set on 1-8, they do not change. I would like to have channel 1-16 mapped on the board and in line with FL Studio. Please someone help!
Hi Joe, and welcome to the forum! Sounds like in FL Studio you need to set up a second Mackie Control, cause each MIDI channel takes care of 8 channels. I have 2 in my system (Cubase) for 16 faders, people with a DM4800 need 3x for 24 faders, so seems straight forward. (I don't know FL Studio BTW)
I have done exactly that in FL Studio (see pics). I wanted to attach pictures but it seems I have no permission. My setup is like this:

DM 3200

1. Machine Control = M MC DP 01 - TRA (on)
2. External Control = 16 MC 01 [5-6] [01-16]
3. Control = Channels 1-8 duplicated on [1-8] anfd [9-16]

FL Studio

MIDOUT TASCAM DM3200 - Port- 5
MIDOUT TASCAM DM3200 - Port- 6

MIDIN TASCAM DM3200 - Port- 5
MIDIN TASCAM DM3200 - Port- 6

Every thing works well except the married channel 1&9, 2&10, etc on remote.
Strange, seems okay, though I'm not sure about the "Channels 1-8 duplicated'. But I'm not at my desk now (and I use Steinberg ofcourse) so I don't know.. Maybe try the 'MC Steinberg' settings i.s..o. MC for DP?

BTW, I'm guessing here the issue is at the DM, which ofcourse is not a fact, yet..
Thank you for your welcoming and assistance. When I move a channel slide 1 on FL Studio it moves channel 1 on the DM3200 and the same happens when I move 2,3,4,5 etc. But when I move channel 1 on the DM32 channel 9 moves in tandem to 1. It is annoying. It is the same thing when I use Steinberg and Sonar.
Problem Solved. Apparently, in FL Studio channel 1-8 is locked on 9-16 of the Desk. The Bank moves batches of 8 channels on 1-8 either to left or right. To achieve the correct setting of 16 channels on the Desk the Bank must move to the right to se 9-16 assigned to 1-9. Only 1-9 moves on Locate or Bank. It would have helped to have it vice-versa so that it is aligned to the desk numbering. Thank Arjan P.
Now that you mention it; in Cubase also the first Mackie Control is on MIDI ports 6 and Mackie Control 2 is on MIDI ports 5, so that's just the way things work apparently. In Cubase this is easily changed, so you might want to try the same in FL Studio.

Also since the bank buttons on the desk are meant to shift the control focus in groups of 8. So when all is well, you have DAW tracks 1-16 controlled by the remote layer > bank to the right, and you focus on 9-24 > once more 'bank' focuses on 17-32 etc. etc.
So my son uses FL Studio also. I'm a happy Cubase user for years but kids, what can I say. Anyway I'm duplicating FL Studio on my setup and need to do the same thing for automation. Where did you go for the instructions? I'm trying to follow your setup but seem to be missing something.

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