DM 3200 & Pro Tools 10

I tried all of that already. Nothing is coming out of the desk. Not when SOLO is selected (AFL, PFL or SIP) not from AUX not even from the headphones.

There must be a bigger problem...
I'm wondering what Tascman and Capt Dan have to say.

I say you're making your life too difficult. ;)

My suggestion - at least to get things set up and working properly: use the INPUT BYPASS method to get signal to Protools. Then, ensure that Ptools' channel outputs are correctly assigned back to your chosen fader modules on the DM.


Let's say you're tracking a guitar; it's plugged into the DM's Input (M/L)#1. Hit ROUTING/OUTPUT SLOT (tab #2 at the bottom of screen). On the right of screen select "M/L". Then, on left side of screen, Pick Input #1 and dial thru choices 'till you see: 'M/L1". Hit Enter. What you've just done is tell the DM to send the gtr's signal directly from the preamp to the Firewire's Channel #1. This means that the gtr's signal volume will ONLY be affected by the DM trim pot and/or the outboard device plugged into M/L#1.

Next, you can monitor that gtr on any fader module - including those on the 33-40 layer. So, let's pick CHannel 40 as the monitor channel. Hit: ROUTING/Input; SELect Fader Module 40, and after selecting M/L on the right side of screen, dial thru the choices until M/L#1 appears. Hit Enter to confirm. What you've just done is assign the signal from the preamp controlling the gtr to Fader Module. #40. (I like to keep my Channels 33-38 open for efx returns.) Don't forget: Assign #40 to the STereo Bus (hit STereo button atop left side of console!)

Finally - in Protools: Assuming you've set up your ASIO/Firewire correctly, you should be able to click on PT's Input Icon on any selected track. You'll see the entire 32 input choices in the menu. So - you've sent signal down Firewire Channel #1, tell PT to RECEIVE that signal on - say - PT's Track #7. Choose PT Track #7, hit the input icon, then select Input #1. Then, you need to tell PT to send that track's signal BACK to the DM. Hit PT Channel 7's OUTPUT icon, and choose a Firewire pathway - say - Mono Output #5.

Now - on the DM: Decide which fader module you'd like to hear AND control PT's gtr track. (Everybody sets up their boards differently. I like to keep drums, percussion, keys, gtrz, efx, etc in their own adjacent groups. Makes mixing easier. However - faders can be swapped, moved, deleted, or exchanged at any time.)

Let's say you want to use DM Fader Module 18. So: Hit ROUTING/Input (tab 1); select Fader 18, and dial through the choices until INPUT #5 appears. Hit ENTER.
What you've just done is assign PT's Firewire output to DM's Fader #18. Finally:
be SURE that Fader #18 is assigned to the STereo Bus! Hit the STereo button atop the left side of console in the Bus Array.

CAUTION!!! When actually tracking any part, be sure to MUTE ProTools' output module (in this case Fader 18 or PT's Remote Fader). Otherwise, you'll get annoying latency. This is why you've delegated DM Fader 40 for tracking/monitoring: NO LATENCY!. Then, for playback, do the reverse: mute 40, and unmute 18.

That's all there is to it. It WILL work if you follow these instructions. And - when you've got all working, SAVE the setup to a Snapshot or to a File for successive projects.

Thank you for your detailed help!

captdan said:

Let's say you want to use DM Fader Module 18. So: Hit ROUTING/Input (tab 1); select Fader 18, and dial through the choices until INPUT #5 appears. Hit ENTER.
What you've just done is assign PT's Firewire output to DM's Fader #18. Finally:
be SURE that Fader #18 is assigned to the STereo Bus! Hit the STereo button atop the left side of console in the Bus Array.

by "INPUT 5" you mean "SLOT 1-5" after selecting SLOT 1 at SOURCE SELECT?

If that is the case, than I think I have a technical problem with the desk. I followed every single step, high concentrated and very carefuly, but still no sound.

Yes, thanks for catching my error.

I'm not sure it's a technical issue; possibly something like a snapshot with some 'custom' routing in it.

At this point, you need to shoot some screen shots - of your INput/Outputs/Slots, etc. You do this with TMC (Tascam Mixer Companion.). Then attach those files here so we can see what' going on with your desk. Otherwise, we're flying blind and guessing.


Pro Tools gets the signal without any problem, i figured taht out before already.

I did a total reset of the desk before all this, so I don't know if there is an issue with a wrong routing. I will send you some picture in the next days.

Thank you very much!!
Hello guys.

Everything is working again. The DDMP Module was broken...
Jo Fialho, the Tascam representive for the UK came to visit me and replaced it. Very very nice guy, I can only recommend him!!
He charged £120 for coming to my place. Well I'm in Brighton and he is in London, that is explaining the £120.
All together cost me around £500, but I'm happy that everything is working again.

For all those living in the UK, whenever there is a problem with your tascam equipment, ask Jo Fialho and he will help you out.

Thank you for your help!!
See you in a bit
Glad you got it sorted out. My approach is always to try all the obvious operator error-prone things first. And if they fail, then something's broken.

Now - get to work, you! :)

ok....after a lot of research i am almost there. finally able to record audio into protools. only problem now is: say i have 3 tracks recorded and i want to throw a lead guitar down, when i start to record an i want to hear more of my track that i am recording on in my headphone, the fader does not raise the volume for me. i know i can do it with the pre amp but i don't want to monitor that way while recording. i would like to adjust the fader so i can hear more in my mix while recording that track. any thoughts anybody. i'm so close that i can feel it. please help!!

Are you monitoring the track coming back from Protools, or are you listening to a DM channel? If you've assigned a DM channel as your monitoring source, the corresponding fader should control that signal in the headphones.

As I mentioned in my previous message, it would be helpful to see screen shots of your DM and PT settings. Otherwise, it's just guesswork at this point.

CaptDan, while I am tracking, I want to turn the volume up on that exact track that I am recording with the fader on the Dm just so I can hear it better while I am recording it. I will post some shots tomorrow evening. Had to stop for the evening as I was getting to frustrated. I really do appreciate the help. Hopefully I can get it figured out. Thanks again.
Tell me this - are you using the first layer or the Remote Layer for tracking?

If you are using the Remote Layer, it should move the fader on the PT screen and increase or reduce the volume. If you are monitoring back in the DM through the first layer via the FW card, you have to assign the channels properly in the routing screen and set the correct output from PT to the DM.
Normally speaking, you should be monitoring though your DM as you record, and it sounds like you are. But, are you moving the DM's fader in the remote layer? Or are you moving the fader on the input channel that your guitar is plugged into?
If you are trying to raise the volume of your guitar via the remote layer, that won't work.
First, Pro Tools should be playing back through a pair of channels in the DM. So, when you play back PT, you should hear it going out your DM's stereo buss.
Next, figure out which input you want to use for your guitar. Are you micing the cabinet? Then use an available mic input and assign that to the DMs stereo output. Now, when you monitor for tracking, you should hear both the PT stereo out and the guitar you want to track, all through the DM. That guitar input should also be sent to the PT track you want to record to, (Input Bypass out to FW) but the PT fader for that track will not be accessible, except for playback after you have recorded. You DO NOT want to monitor that ProTools track while you are recording. Make sure you do not have any live monitoring enabled on that PT track while you record to it. All monitoring for tracking should be done through the mixer. (There are many variations to the technique, but use this way first to get started) Just jam in time to the music coming in to the DM from your PT stereo buss and record that. It will be in time with the recording.
OMG we posted at exactly the same time. Sorry Jamsire...I didn't know you were replying as well.
So, two versions of the same reply...take what you can.

jamsire said:
Tell me this - are you using the first layer or the Remote Layer for tracking?

If you are using the Remote Layer, it should move the fader on the PT screen and increase or reduce the volume.

Yes, but it will increase or decrease the volume of a signal that has already been recorded, through the PT buss, not what is currently being tracked into that track.
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Hi guys, sorry if I'm not sounding clear here. But yes, what i would like to happen is say if i have an artist that i am tracking in the studio, he wants me to turn up his guitar volume so he can hear it better in the mix while he is tracking, (no i dont want to increase the input signal of the mic/instrument, just the volume so he can hear it more over the rest of the mix). There has to be a way and i just need to figure it out. I will post some screen shots later this evening. Thanks again everybody for your input and I look forward to your responses. when I was using my Digi003, the artist would ask for more guitar while i was tracking him just so he could hear it better so i would just push the fader up to his liking. Hopefully this is possible.
If you use the AUX's correctly and route them to the headphone amp - it does the exact same thing.
Dan's got it. I was going to look for an old routing reply I had from earlier in the year, but it would say the same thing.

What we are saying is that if your have your input set up properly, your input will split. One side goes directly and unaffected through your FW and into the PTs armed track for recording and the other goes to a channel on the DM, which is then monitored through the stereo buss. By doing it this way, if your guitarist needs it to go to eleven, then just boost the fader on the DM, raising the volume of the guitar over the stereo buss, which he should be using as his monitoring signal. This change in volume will NOT effect the signal going to the PTs track, if you set things up via Dan's process.
K....Here we Go. Here are mu screen shots of everything. I did this per sweetwater music's website article. it looks different than what you guys are talking about but here is the link so you can see what i am saying. ... t9-higher/

here are the screen shots for everything i did:


  • routing input 1-16.png
    routing input 1-16.png
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  • routing input 17-32.png
    routing input 17-32.png
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  • routing input 33-48.png
    routing input 33-48.png
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  • routing output.png
    routing output.png
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  • routing output slot 1-8.png
    routing output slot 1-8.png
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  • routing output slot 9-16.png
    routing output slot 9-16.png
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  • ext ctrl.png
    ext ctrl.png
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  • mach ctrl.png
    mach ctrl.png
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OK. Your issue is that you are using your Buss/Dir outs over FW instead of Input Bypass. Not that there's anything wrong with it, it's just that doing this is not allowing you to do what you want to do.
Try this....ALT/ROUTING/Output Slot tab (like the ones you have above).

Use POD4 to select M/L under "Input Bypass". Now use POD3 to select SLOT1 Trk 1-8. Now go to the left and use you arrow keys to move the curser to "Batch Setup". Now turn the jog wheel once to the left then once to the right. You will see M/L1-M/L8 flashing. Hit enter. Now use POD3 to move down to SLOT1 9-16. Go back to Batch Setup and turn the jog wheel once to the left and twice to the right for M/L 9-16. Hit enter. Repeat for 17-24.

I see that you are using CHs 17 and 18 to bring back the stereo outs from PTs. That's fine. When you are monitoring PTs output, are you listening through the DM's stereo Buss? Through headphones or your ControlRoom outs to speakers? If so, then we will just want to add your guitar part to that same cue mix. If you are plugged into a mic input, lets say M/L 5, then you should assign CH5 on the DM to your Stereo Buss so you can hear it. Don't worry anymore about fader changes coming out in your recording. By using Input Bypass, the raw signal is being split so that one copy is going straight to the PTs track (check you gain stage here) and the other is going to CH5 Fader. CH5 is now only being used for monitoring through the stereo buss to your headphones or CR speaks. You can add EQ, comp, verb, etc, and it will only come out over the stereo buss for monitoring.

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