Distorted Vocals on DP32


New Member
Jul 22, 2015
Gear owned
DP -32

I'm have a problem with recording vocals on a DP32. They are always coming out distorted when I want a clean sound.

The mics I've used are Neumann TLM103, Shure SM7B, and an MLX V67 with a Mogami cable plugged directly into the DP32. I'm also using a Stedman pop filter.

When I'm recording, there is no clipping on the levels.

Do I need a pre-amp for this or is the problem somewhere else.

Thanks for your help.

You should not need an external pre-amp. If you have the phantom power engaged for the condensor mics, are not too close to the mic, and the track EQ is flat and no clipping (as you mentioned) it must be a problem with your machine.
Thank you for your reply.

I found that if I reduce the trim, even though it wasn't peaking, it's helping some.

I'm still hearing some distortion in the higher frequencies. Is this normal for Tascam machines?

It should not distort at all. Not normal.

Any chance you have an effect or distortion turned on (as an insert effect) while recording?
No effects at all. Everything is set flat.

I'm wondering if the gain is still too high.

None of my instruments sound distorted, only vocals, but I've tried several different mics.

I'm going to try some more tests on it tonight.

BTW, I've been recording in 16 bit, 44.1k.

Thanks for your help.
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Problem solved. I turned the faders up all the way and then turned down the trim knob to a lower level. That seems to help.

Thanks for you help.

Hi Steve,
I have also had an issue with the DP32 distortion while recording using a condenser,
even though the meters aren't anywhere near over load the signal sounds distorted, when vocals are at medium loud levels, the mic is fine (just sent back from factory) and dynamic mics work fine, seems to be condenser issue, did you solve this one in the end?
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Hey John - FWIW - looks like Steve hasn't been here since Nov. 2015. He's not likely to show back up.;)

You may want to start a new thread about this topic/problem.
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Steve, the DP machines are not known for great sounding mic pres (I use external pres), but they do work and should not distort. Fader at unity, start with the trim at minimum, then work your way up until you get a nominal level. If peaks distort, enable compression. You may have to back off the mic a bit to minimize variation.

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