Display DM 4800 "Luxdisplays"

I am not taking sides and I feel @ERDAL pain. But, I too think that this or any community forum for that matter is no place for mud slinging. I sent @ERDAL a private message and trust that he would not object to my sharing it publicly. In it I say:

Just for giggles I thought that I might reach out to the seller on eBay with a question about the product. Message sent at 13:55 local time. Reply received t 14:01

That was pretty quick. Unfortunately, it seems that you were not so lucky. I hope that you can resolve your issue amicably.

Best of luck!


And, that is all that I am going to say on the matter!
Late to the party (as always), but it just so happened that I bought my display at Stephen's. He was very helpful, and helped me via messenger during the installation process.

I still have my photos - so if anyone needs some installation advice - just contact me.

Oh, I also have a 2SeemyCard installed which works very well with the display he provides. Should you intend to buy a luxdisplay, make sure to tell Stephen about a 2SeemyCard if you have one, because by the time now (Sept. 2021) only the blue/white edition will work!
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All three links are for the same screen, Winstar WG320240B0. I am in the process of ordering one now; it takes over a mounth to get to New York. A technician friend tells me it should work. I will let you know in about a month how/if it works.
Thanks for the reply I'll check back in a month or so for the update.
I ordered and received a screen I ordered from Winstar as per dmartin’s findings.Hopefully it works with the DM-3200.
All three links are for the same screen, Winstar WG320240B0. I am in the process of ordering one now; it takes over a mounth to get to New York. A technician friend tells me it should work. I will let you know in about a month how/if it works.
The pins on the winstar screen has 3 pins and the tascam has 4 pins. If I were to solder the tascam wire with pins on the windstar screen would this be ok? dmartin did you end up receiving the windstar screen?
Just bought one from Stephan at LuxDisplays ... and its perfect even easier than before 2 connections: the power and the display ribbon
Hi everybody I wanted to add my own bit to this thread. I bought a screen from Stephen in January. Delivery time was about a month exactly the time that was indicated on eBay. Had to pay 5$ customs charges and they held the package for a week. Communication was above and beyond. Not only did Stephen respond the same day sometimes he would contact me on his own to give me information and installation guides sending me pictures of the correct way to do the installation. The installation itself was really easy just 2 connectors and 4 screws. 2 of these screws go in normally on the right side 2 go in on the outside of the screen. Information is also in the package and on the screen sticker. Oh yeah the screen is amazing btw
FWIW: I ordered and installed a Luxdisplays screen last year as per Stephen's instructions and it has been working flawlessly ever since.
After a five month gig in Florida I finally got back to my studio in N.Y. were the Winstar WG320240B0 screen that I ordered from China was awaiting for me to install.


The screen is advertised as having a 14pin connection, however it is a 20pin connection hence NOT Compatible.
Guitarbin: the Windstar screen has a three pin molex connection, the Tascam screen has a four pin molex connection , both screens have only two wires, it would have been easy to switch, but since the Windstar screen is really a 20pin connection the Luxdisplays seems to be the only option.
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I received my Luxdisplay today.


The installation was simple, communication was good, shipping took as long as the one from China. I did receive an unsolicited response from Luxdisplays explaining the delay so communication was fine.

The new screen.

The old screen.
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Just a general observation: There should by now be enough empirical evidence, in this and other threads within this forum, that the Luxdisplays LED screen replacement for our Dm3200 and DM4800 mixers is by far the most elegant, cost effective solution. It doesn't just work, it works brilliantly. So for anyone in the future reading this thread in search of a solution for a dying LCD screen for these mixers, you can't do better, but you can do worse, and waste a lot of time in the process.
I have to concur the Luxdisplay is the best solution, however it does take a month to get it; at least here in New York. Contrary to some previous posts I found communication with seller quick and courteous. The display is actually better than the original.
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Great this works. Always a fan of YouTube instructional videos over reading (Have I become a Millenial? :-D) so something to consider next time you install a 3rd party product. Luckily my original screens are still working but if they ever go I still have a 2SeeMee installed in each. Great to see the forum still has a heartbeat!
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I too am grateful this form is alive.
I am really glad to have a working, line-less screen. The reason I was able to put up with the old one for so long is because I do not use the Tascam firewire card. I have always used external converters (Euphonix AM 713/MA 703) with an RME Madiface and a RME Multiface. It's as future proof as possible with this "old" equipment.
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Thanks to all for sharing this information. I am so relieved! I want to continue using my console for as long as I can but I became worried when the 2Seemy solution was no longer available. I might jump on one of these displays now even though I don't need it just yet.
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Hi everybody. I was looking for the display for my DM4800 and I noticed that on eBay Luxdisplays is not available anymore. Do you know where I can buy the Display?

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