Digital Console and Analog Machine


New Member
Nov 14, 2019
Gear owned
DM 3200; MSR24S
Hi Everyone

I am new here. Looks like a really professional community with lots of goodwill. I don't know who has the answer to my question. Simply put, I acquired recently a DM 3200 and was wondering how I can hook up my Tascam reel to reel with 24 tracks. The DM manual is seemingly very digitally inclined (hehe! really?!). Is there a way to use this console to record to this analog machine?

Thanks for reading this.
@Collin Welcome aboard. Enjoy your time here. I am certain that one or more of the very knowledgeable members will be chiming in shortly. Best of luck! Peter
@Collin I suggest that you provide as much technical details / specs as possible. This will help greatly when someone here prepares to respond to your inquiry. For example, you said that you are using a Tascam reel to reel but make no mention of its model number.
Thanks Peter for the warm welcome and the followup message to formulate my issues better.

I have a Tascam MSR24S reel to reel which I would like to link up with a recently acquired Tascam DM-3200 console. I foolishly, in hindsight, got rid of my analog consoles, thinking I would be able to use the DM with the MSR. The MSR has rca inputs/outputs and the console has TRS jack inputs/outputs, and XLRs for the mics. This console doesn't seem to be designed to include the possibility of an output going to an analog device such as the MSR. I think it expects all signals to remain in the digital domain. Which is fine to me. I can work around this possibly through protools using one or two 192 I/Os I think. Haven't done it yet. But I would like to, if possible, have the MSR go through the DM without necessarily tapping into the protools option.

Any thoughts out there about this digital console and the analog hookup? Much appreciated.
I would think the DM3200 is not the best match for an analog 24-track recorder as is. You'd need analog expansion cards, especially for analog outputs, since the DM really has only 4 on its own (assignable sends).

Also on the input side the basic DM has 16 Mic/Line and 4 assignable inputs, so that makes 20.

Since the 3200 has 2 slots for expansion cards, the maximum analog cards to use is 2, making that an extra 16 inputs and outputs (if you can find the cards in the first place). So that would max you out at 36 channels in and 20 out. So it can be done but you need more than just the basic mixer.

There is however another way - use the analog inserts on the mixer (16x) to go to the recorder for recording and connect 16 outputs of the recorder (or 20 if you include assignable returns) to the line inputs. You're still limited in the use of 24 tracks, but can use the bare DM3200 without expansion cards..
@Arjan P I am curious as to how he would go in / out from the Tascam MSR24S. All I see at the rear of the machine are RCA connectors. Would it require some type of conversion / breakout device? And would he need the IF-AN/DM expansion card(s). Would we be looking at something along these lines:

Thank you. Peter
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Yeah, to use the inserts as send to the recorder you'd need to half-insert a mono jack (in order not to break the routing to the AD-converter going into the mixer) and have an RCA on the other side - or use a half-normalled patch bay that leaves the in-going signal intact (Fostex 3013 for instance). The inputs for recording come into the mic inputs of the mixer in this case.

Coming out of the recorder the same snakes are needed: RCA to jack for the DM's line inputs.

BTW, I'm referring to the use as mentioned in the last paragraph of my initial post.
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Possibly old Tascam Adat (DA-38) machines work well for the analog to digital conversions....the machines both have the RCA in/outs and TDIFs at 8 channels per machine. Connect the 16 analog to the 3200 and the last 8 channels from the reel to reel to ins and outs RCAs of the adat and then adat via TDIF to the 3200. You have to make sure the sample rate on the dm-3200 matches the adat (either 44.1 0r 480...But, best is the DM-4800
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Actually, the best methodology is a real, inline analog recording console like the Soundcraft Ghost. Then, use converters and networking (FW or Dante) to get the 24 track to the digital console for mixing. Still need something to mix to, however. In my personal studio, all the tracks I cut are imported to Reaper for mixing with a digital console. I mix to stereo tracks in Reaper.
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Thank you, everyone, for your suggestions. Sorry, just back in town and checking my emails. I will check what I have as hardware for the scenarios presented and let you know how it goes. Practically speaking, I don't use all the 24 tracks. I can deal with 8 tracks and use some patch bays for ease of access to the other 16 tracks. Not sure. The MSR 24 has an "INPUT LINK" switch at the back, which I have never used as I had previously used a Tascam M-2600 console which satisfied all the 24 tracks. The Input Link, when switched on, internally patch inputs 1-8 to channels 9-16 and inputs 17-23. I am not sure of the implications of this. I will have to experiment with it.

I realize I may be trying to square a circle with two different technologies. But somehow I think the DM-3200 should be able to work with the MSR.
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The input link is similar to the routing on the old API 8 bus consoles. It's not an issue unless you are recording on 1/9/17 at the same time. With good session planning you can avoid conflicts.
Thank you mjk and flapsreed for your alternate options. I will try both scenarios as I do have some adat machines that I can dust off and rig together. I've never tried the Input Link approach but will experiment with it. Not to over complicate things, I have an early version of protools 8 that is already fired up in a MacPro with two cards. I have no shortage of "stuff" to rig things together. My effort is to salvage use from the MSR. I have a number of semi pro machines that can fill in later on. Right now I just want to match these two technology paradigms.

Greatly appreciate your goodwill at sharing your insights. There is a wealth of experience here.
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Stupid question: can you use Dante with a DM? I mean within reason, and with a respectable track count?
There was a Cobranet expansion card for the DM range, and also an Aviom card, but no Dante AFAIK. I don't know enough about these protocols (all ethernet based) to know if ever the three are in any way compatible or covertible to each other..
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