Deoxit issues?

Jarrod Roth

New Member
Jun 28, 2019
Hi all-
Quick question. Have any of you had any issues using Deoxit? I used it on a couple of trim pot because of level fluctuations. Seemed to fix the problem, but left the knobs turning loosely as opposed to the normal light friction feel.
Appreciate any feedback.
That's how you know you got the juice in the pot. It lubricates the mechanism as well as cleaning it.
However it seems as though the pots are supposed to have a slight resistance when being rotated- three of the four that I cleaned now just turn without any resistance, the fourth one and the ones I haven’t cleaned yet still turn with the same resistance- like there’s a dampener on the pot. I am just hoping I didn’t do any damage by using the Deoxit. (so far the trims work fine otherwise)
You should really try and be selective where you put the cleaner. Pots have a thick grease on the shaft to give them that nice smooth feel, so if you dissolve this, the pot will feel loose.
The part which cause crackles is the slider inside the casing where it rubs against the carbon (or other resistive substance) track. That's the bit which needs the cleaner, but obviously you have to get access to it - there's usually a small gap in the body shell, but you can't get at this without taking the lid off the gear.
I never use the spray option with a component as it's not accurate enough. Better if you can get some fluid on something like a cocktail stick and poke it where it needs to go.
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Thanks Phil- that makes sense (solves the mystery!)
How complex are things on the underneath side of the top board? I am curious to have a look, however I would prefer to avoid any potential issues that would be best left to a technician.
I spray from the top (like everyone else). The looseness effect is usually temporary, while the effectiveness on the audio component lasts a lot longer.

FWIW, I opened my Behringer Europower mixer and sprayed into the pots through the hole at the terminals. They all loosened right up after I worked the control for a few seconds.

There are a number of Deoxit threads on the forum.
Thanks Phil- that makes sense (solves the mystery!)
How complex are things on the underneath side of the top board? I am curious to have a look, however I would prefer to avoid any potential issues that would be best left to a technician.

I started to open my vintage DP-32 to check it out inside. What stopped me was the amount of force I had to apply to the encoder knobs to get them off the encoder shafts. I didn't like the amount of force I was applying and yet not having the knobs come off. Decided it wasn't worth the risk. I sprayed all the switches, potentiometers and faders, from the top.
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put a small silicone washer under the knob to provide friction ;)
Sorry, I don't understand.
take the knob off the shaft, put a small silicone washer or O ring on the bottom of the shaft then put the knob on top of it.
I'm assuming the knob comes off the shaft
No, they would not come off. I decided I was pulling them harder than I would like.
I was afraid that might be the case. How about some grease on a toothpick onto the shaft ? or Vaseline?
Impossible. The knob is all the way down on the shaft and no way to get to the shaft. Grease won't do anything. Penetrating oil would, but it can't get in there. I abandoned the attempt.

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