Dear Mr. Tipping

Richard Grossman

New Member
Jan 24, 2018
Gear owned
I have a "new" floor model DP24SD and I also have a severe learning disability. I'm able to record tracks and "master" them and get them on my computer on the first day, but after hours with the manual, I can get nothing whatsoever to work in re effects. Nothing. Do you do phone call support if I can't get that from Tascam? Without someone walking me through one step at a time as I'm doing it, I'll never get it. (I may have a faulty unit, for all I know, cuz I've been going by the manual and get no effects to happen.)

Or is anyone else on this forum willing to help a brilliant songwriter but learning disabled recorder?

It took me a while to figure out the effects. For me, I just had not turned things on.

The effect must be turned on after choosing the effect you want to use - press the button for on-off via the effects screen.

ALSO you must turn up the effects master via any channel screen - press mixer, maybe twice, and the screen shows. Use the knobs to set the master effect level.

Also, you must turn on the effect for the channel - using the same channel screen, set the effect send for the channel to pre or post, and turn up the effect send for that channel.

I am sure others can explain more clearly, but I hope this helps.

Matt B
Thank you. I'm thinking in terms of an external processor, would be easier for my brain. That's doable with this unit, right?
Yes - that would be effects send number two. Plug the external effects unit into the send and return jacks on the back of the DP24SD. Make sure the external unit is set up to process and pass the signal.

The master effects send and the channel effects send settings would be the same as above, except for effect 2 and not effect 1.
I don’t believe you are alone in this Effects business. I was lost, as well, until I discovered Phil Tipping’s video tutorials on YouTube. If you go to YouTube and look for his tutorial regarding Effects, it may clear a lot of this up for you, as it did for me.
For me personally, the below info started me down the road to success: Go to YouTube! From there, follow Mr Tipping’s instructions for the “Mixing” block, which is readily available by way of the “Mix” button on your Tascam panel... with colored knobs, etc. If “Mix” is not set JUST RIGHT (to the detail) you can forget making Effects work. Someone else might see it differently, but this is what I understood, and it works go me. The 1st thing I always do is go into & set “Mix.”

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