Cubase 11 Pro -> MU-1000 -> Midi Timecode

Not yet. I’m still trying a few different things. I got all zeros at one time but it went away immediately. I guess I understand why you gave up. I know the UM has it in there somewhere but some of it just loses me. I check the pages you mentioned. I think one of them must be the wrong page possibly. I appreciate your help though. If I get it, for sure, I'll let you know...Blessings!
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Sure thing. I didn't actually give up trying to get MIDI working the specific way I wanted, rather it's that I didn't want to spend lots of time on that problem when I had all this music in my head that I wanted to get created. Regardless, it bothers me that I didn't achieve my goal and I do plan to get back to it in the future when time permits or composing becomes a higher priority. When I do, I'll keep you apprised of my progress.
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