Complete M600 manual?


New Member
May 28, 2017
Gear owned
Found a pdf on the net but it's missing some pages was wondering if anyone could fill me in?

Also If there are any current users I have more questions about patchbay routing.
Maybe because some of us took a good 15 to 20 minutes of our time to look and couldn't find it either. It's vintage equipment that didn't make it's way into a lot of living rooms in the 70's. What response did you expect? :)
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Some are takers,
Some are givers..
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Lol It was more of a welp comment than an angry comment. Yeah that one you posted is missing pages 1-10 12-14 16-17 47-48 and 56. I've really been searching like crazy, emailing people that posted about it, even talked to Jim at audio upgrades that modded one for Billy from Yes. Nobody has the thing. Tascam said they would check but never got back to me about it.
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Hey old thread but I might have the pages you seek - still need them?
@Torburner he might not see the conversation unless you use the @ symbol and tag his username. You can also send him a direct message. Thanks.
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Hello, I'm not the OP, but I just got my Tascam M600 would really appreciate the full manual if you can send. I have the one that missing pages and can't find the full version anywhere. Thanks in advance.
Please tell me which pages you're missing - and I'll scan those for you - I only have the hard copy :)
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Hey! Cool man.

It looks like pages:

then it ends at 2-20 (the pages changed numbering scheme)

If you interested in having a place scan the whole thing, I'll pay for it. Cause when it changed numbering schemes, I can't tell whats missing.
Either way, thanks for this.
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I'll check it when I'm at my studio one of these days - would be kind of a hassle to scan the whole thing but I'll see what I can do.

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@Coolpixel Can you share the complete manual? I am trying to service an m600 but cannot find documentation to save my life.

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