Clippetty crock


New Member
Jan 19, 2016
Gear owned
DP32 Portostudio
Hi, forum virgin here, got a problem,done 20 songs on dp 32 all in 16 bit 44.1 hz. Started doing new song in 24 bit 44.1 hz - after a few drum takes levels started clipping and a sharp spitting distortion noise (like 2 live wires touching )from the speakers. Tried again on new sd card - same problem. Also on old card, all 20 songs started clipping as well - which was cured when i erased the one done in 24 bit. Help please? anyone?
Hi, are you running the latest firmware? There have been problems with 24 bit recording resulting in pops and clicks.
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Just been reading about it, thanks, so i tried to update and it said ERROR - Product. My desk is a 1.o4 and i'm trying to put in the 1.05 firmware. My maths ain't great but i presume thats right and i presume its unzipped as there's a little blue suitcase now instead of a zipper. As you can see, i'm a big noise in I.T. Cheers m@m
For the DP32 you need 1.05. On the Tascam support site it's downloadable in zip-format. After unzipping you'll get a file called DP32_043.105 which is to be used according to the instructions.
(I'm using a windows machine, might be different presented on a mac).
Thanks again, i might not have unzipped it so will try again tomorrow.
Got the new firmware now - a lot better, but it still pops when you use the editing functions after a while, just not as violent as it was before. It seems like Tascam have nullified the problem but not solved it. FYI never do one thousand takes on one song - it crashes the recorder. Wasted 6 weeks recording one song - rang tascam -they said it was probably the default setting.
Feel your pain, ensure you are using a 95mb read/write speed card. I have done a lot since the firmware upgrade. only a pop or 2 out 100 hours of work

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