Clearing snapshot memory

I do own 2x DM24, and yes I do know what I'm doing ;)

Cleared flash information a lot of times and that counter isn't always right. That message isn't the most important one. Replacement of the eproms isn't a problem at all. I had faulty eproms that even weren't written a 100 times.

Next to that, securing your library is easily done by a MIDI backup (dump), I did that very regular with my DM24's when they were used in my studio.

Correct way to reset the DM24 is SRAM INIT indeed. Clearing flash counter info doesn't help at all in this respect, but is written in a Tascam document about upgrading firmware.
Last year I've bought a TASCAM DM-24 for my band. After several times of use, it started to show an error code: PICTURE NR.1. I've pressed the ENTER, it functioned without any problems. After that I got another error code: FATAL ERROR 00-00000009-01 and FATAL ERROR 00-00000004-00.
I've bought new EPROMS, I've replaced them, but still appears the FATAL ERROR 00-0000004-00.
Do you have any proposal, what shall I do?
Thank for your help!

All best,


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Hi , I have FATAL ERROR 00-00000009-01 , did you ever resolve your issue or workaround, remedy? Thanks !

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