Channels in Remote Layer

One more thing, FWIW, I mix completely "in the box". I do that because it's much simpler to save an entire setup (fader levels, panning, effects, automation — EVERYTHING!) and to reload it later and start exactly where I left off. You can save various approaches in their entirety with multiple project saves. Conversely, if you mix in the DM and use some of its effects, EQ, compression, etc., then you also need to save its settings and coordinate loading them as well as your song from the DAW when you want to come back to the mix at a later time. That's not a huge deal, just extra work, even keeping track of the fact that this song has both components. By always doing everything in the box, I never need more than the project in the DAW. This is something to think about as you consider which way you want to ultimately go. Perhaps others will weigh in on their preference and why.

However, I do really like the TC Electronic reverb in the DM, so I will sometimes use that. But when I do, I print it to a separate track (or tracks, if stereo); that way, I still have everything in the box. Of course, I'll keep the dry sound in case I want to re-mix later, but usually never go back to it.

Finally, for all of the options the foregoing provide, I find myself more and more committing tracks earlier in the process. I'll save all the options to a project archive, but the final has committed tracks and "printed" effects. I do this because, at some point, we need to commit, finish the song, and move on. Otherwise, each song is never finished and I was finding myself working too long on the same songs. As Da Vinci said: "Art is never finished, only abandoned."
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Thank you @cmaffia and @skier You gentlemen have been so generous with your time and knowledge. And I can't thank you enough! As I have done on many occasions since my very first visit to this wonderful forum, I like to print member posts that I can refer to as my journey progresses. All of the great responses that you have all provided compels me to push forward and to keep learning. Have yourselves a great Tuesday. Peter
@skier Merci. À bientôt mon cher ami.
Interesting thread, and other than @skier I mix completely out of the box. All tracks in Cubase go out to the DM, and there I use onboard effects and dynamics and also outboard hardware (send) effects.

I usually also use EQ and dynamics inside Cubase and for automation of fades and level control I also use the remote layer sometimes. Best of both worlds IMO, but like skier says, for future reference I have to be careful to save DM mixer scenes, but that's something to get used to.

I wouldn't know what would be an 'easier' approach to start using the DM, there is something to be said about both ways. Once the VST Connections in Cubase are defined (32 tracks in and 32 tracks out) it indeed becomes a digital tape machine - and you get to use the DM to its full extent. But OTOH getting a stereo track out of Cubase and mixing in the box can also be a good approach. There is no right or wrong here.
Great response @Arjan P And yes, you are absolutely right about the interesting thread. My bad! Guilty as charged.

Truth be told, most likely than not, I will be using my Soundscape ReD32 as my DAW (for now) via TDIF. If I can use that and the Firewire card together, well, all the better. But, I don't want to get ahead of myself. I have much to learn.

Because I am starting from scratch with the DM I definitely want to keep all of my options open. In addition to not being tied to any timetable and not being in any hurry whatsoever, I want to grasp all concepts of the DM. I have never been one to paint myself into any corners.

I have no plans to run a business here. Not yet at least.

And, this is where all you patient gurus come in. What would I do without you guys.

Have yourself a safe and wonderful day / evening wherever you might be. I always enjoy your posts. Educational, entertaining, and most insightful.

Peter Batah

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