Cascaded DM3200's

Getting 2nd quote today and interestingly enough, this random vendor I chose just happens to be just a few miles away from where I work. At least we will have identified a few places that a Cascade cable can be made in this thread.
Cool, looking foreward to see what can be done ;-)
World Sound Rentals, Inc.
Office: 1.631.751.3583 ext.103
Ask for Matt
$160.00 - 1 week to make and test

Sales New York Pro Sound
Ask for Phil
$89.00 - 3 days to make

World Sound Cable said they exceed the original Tascam cable spec quality-wise and since the cable is proprietary, they need to test point to point (I would hope any cable manufacturer would).

There are your options. They can make in any lengths you need but I can't see needing more than the original cable length spec but in case you need longer, they can make.
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