One more thing.... I've been PM'ing with
@shredd quite a lot over this. He is right in that it needs "something" in between the main verse/chorus, verse/chorus, type of basic concept.
But what?
I just love how a person (me) comes up with something, gets others to help lyrically (my two lady school bus driver friends), and little by little a song develops, from my melodies I heard in my head, along with the ladies' positive vibe, type of "keep your chin up", stay strong and that there will always be Brighter Days ahead. One thing led to another, and I started recording it on my Tascam DP-03SD.
The main reason I absolutely love Tascam Forums is that I can be myself, and upload things, share things, download things, etc... Musically collaborate with others, who share the same idea and/or concept in where the musical piece may go. Get others involved, and then, internationally: We all collaborate on a song!