Brand new SERIES 208i unit - Dead On Arrival


New Member
Feb 22, 2025
Gear owned
SERIES 208i, TM-280
Hi, All.

I did buy a brand new SERIES 208i audio interface in December 2023. It has been sitting in a box, while I was saving up and purchasing components for my makeshift home recording mini-studio. Nothing fancy: a more decent PC (vs. my 12-year ancient PC), SERIES 208i interface, two Tascam TM-280 condenser microphones and cables, powered speakers. I have pulled out all the collected-over-time pieces about two weeks ago and started to set them up.

However, to my dismay, I have found that SERIES 208i interface is not picking up any input signal on channels 1 through 4 from both microphones run on phantom power. There is no SIG light, nor any input signal indication in TASCAM interface software. The SERIES 208i also does not output any sound from PC to the connected speakers and headphones. The PC has set up and recognizes the 208i unit fine, all drivers and firmware are updated to the latest spec, and the 208i is selected as my default sound input/output devices. But, no input signal is recognized by 208i unit, nor any sound is output from 208i to the monitors.

I was on the phone with TASCAM technical expert who walked me through validating the functions of the 208i unit step-by-step and has concluded after several tests that there must be something wrong with the 208i unit. He said TASCAM would not replace the unit under the warranty since it has been slightly more than a year since I purchased it. The fact I pulled the brand new unit from the box just now does not matter; TASCAM goes by the purchase date for warranty purposes. He suggested I send it in for repair to one of TASCAM’s authorized service centers.

In a nutshell, I am out $400; and the repair rates are so high – and online user reviews on several repair centers so abysmal – that I am afraid to send the unit for repair, as repairing it might cost almost the same as brand new one. In addition, I have seen reviews left for TASCAM 208i units on Amazon and some other forums, where users have experienced the exact same condition with their brand new units: no SIG light on input side and no sound on output side of 208i.

I am stumped as to how it is possible that brand new units can fail between Quality Assurance at a factory and being pulled from the box by the user(?) I am also afraid to buy anything from TASCAM now given this experience.

BTW, I have read that some users re-flashed the firmware in such cases, and it got the unit working again. I have tried doing it, but the firmware updater utility complained it would not reflash the same or lower firmware into the unit.

Has anyone perhaps experienced this kind of failure with their SERIES 208i (or alternatively, the smaller 102i unit)? If so, was there a specific hardware fault identified; and if so, what was it? Was there any fix applied that got the unit working again?

I would be most tremendously indebted for any advice, any guidance on the best approach to handling this issue. Again, I am scared to buy anything from TASCAM given this unfortunate experience.

Thank you!


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