Hi Phil,
Thank you for your input. Sometimes we record late night/mornings, so we just woke-up at 4:00pm CST (or CTT) Central Texas Time. : )
Eventually my light-bulb (sometimes) comes on.
2 + 2 = deciding the Music Folder was what I needed to open. It also took my brain a little while to understand that the DP-32 Song Folder was in the Menu. As you said: In the world of recording, there are a lot engineer terminologies to learn. On that note, I’m looking forward to purchasing your Guide, as soon as my pay-day gets here. Do I pay for it thru PayPal?
Thank you for all your help, Phil. I will continue referring to your YouTube tutorials, as well as the Guide, but I know there will be more questions to ask you and other forum members. David, Mark, Dunny, and others, have been a big help to me. I haven’t had time to work more on my Lexicon “External Effects,” because of our need to record. I’m using Internal Effects for now, and that is serving me pretty well.