Mark Richards
JP, the whole idea for doing what you are doing is either...I don’t understand the relationship between the Send Eff2 being turned on for Track 5, and the affect it has on Tracks 6 & 7...I still don’t understand the role of Track 5’s path through the Send Eff?
- To have the Track 5 dry signal recorded completely wet onto Tracks 6 & 7, to be used during mixdown to blend the wet Track 6 & 7 signal with the dry Track 5 signal, giving you complete control over the mix blend; or
- To have the Track 5 dry signal blended and locked in (wet/dry) on Tracks 6 & 7 to use during mixdown, and not use the Track 5 dry signal during mixdown (which limits your flexibility during mixdown); or
- To use the blended, locked in wet/dry signal on Tracks 6 & 7 and the dry signal on Track 5 during the mixdown process.
Then to record the outboard FX wet/dry return signal on Track 6 & 7, the Track 5 Send2 should be set to "Pre"; and the Track 5 Fader should be lowered to "inf" (full off) to remove the Track 5 signal from the Stereo Bus. This allows you to monitor only the Tracks 6 & 7 blended wet/dry signal on the Stereo Bus.
You need to monitor the Track 5 dry signal on the Stereo Bus and the Tracks 6 &7 signal on the Stereo Bus to hear and judge how it will fit together before you get to the mixdown phase.
You must set the Track 6 and 7 Send2 to OFF. If you don't, you will get a very nasty electronic feedback loop, and you will not be a happy camper afterward....once the signals for Tracks 5, 6 & 7 hit the junction that goes south (south being down on the diagram) they all pass through Send Eff2.
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