Bounce to Record Effect

JP Illes

Active Member
Apr 11, 2021
Columbus, IN
Gear owned
DP-32sd, Mini Disk 564
OK I must be really missing something... I believe that I have read through everything here on Bouncing to record an effect so that I could free up my SEND EFF2 so that I could use another external effect on SEND EFF2, for use sending some compression to other tracks. I am using Delay to fatten up a vocal track. I recorded my main vocal on Track 5, then I cloned that track to Tracks 6 and & 7... I used and external effect (Alesis Nanoverb) set to Delay with a very short ms. I plugged the external effect into Effect Send 2 on the back of the unit, I then plugged my return effect into input C & D and set the trim nob to 1:00. I set the Send Master2 to 127 and the Send Eff2 on Tracks 6 and 7 to 127. I monitored Tracks 6 and 7 and had the desired Delay effect. I paned Track 6 full to the left and Track 7 full to the right. This gave me the desired thickening effect on my combined 5, 6, 7 vocal Track. My next step was to Bounce Track 6 to Track 8. I selected Bounce, set Track 8 to REC and selected Track 6 as my source. Since Track 6 was already paned full to the left I thought I would be good to go, so I pushed RECORD. On playback of Track 8 I could hear that I had the delay that I wanted. I then CLONED Track 8 to Virtual Track2 on 6 and 7. I played back Virtual Tracks 6 & 7 and couldn’t detect any of my Delay. Where am I going wrong..... Thanks
Hi JP. You never mentioned what tracks you assigned to inputs C and D.

I don't see in your explanation where you printed the delay FX to the vocal track. I suspect you were monitoring with the FX but you never "printed" them to the take.

Turn off all FX sends and listen to Track 8. Is there still FX when all the sends are turned off?

I think further explanation may be necessary.

Welcome to the forum!

You know I didn’t know I had to assign C and D to a track, I thought it was part of the Send Effect. So what you are saying is if I want the Delay effect on my Tracks 6 & 7 I need to assign input C & D to Tracks 6 & 7. I guess that makes sense. In other words if I want and external effect printed to any Track I will need to assign all of those Tracks to C & D. So if I want to add some external compression through Send Eff2 to say Tracks 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 I will need to assign all of those tracks to inputs C & D. Is that correct? If I am working with mono tracks do I need to assign inputs C & D or just run out of left channel of my effects box to say input C?
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I think you need to read the sticky posts at the top of the thread. It's all there and a table of contents at the beginning of each thread to point you at what you are looking for.

Your original vocal is on track 5. To print effect try this.

Set Track 5 send effect to pre and set full at 127
Assign track 6 and 7 to input C and D respectfully
Set track 6 and 7 to record.
Press play. You should be able to hear the signal from Track 5 with the applied FX on track 6 and 7 even with the fader for track 5 all the way down.
Get your effects set where you want them and then press record. When you press stop your FX will now print to track 6 and 7.

Let me know if that works.

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So if I want to add some external compression through Send Eff2 to say Tracks 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 I will need to assign all of those tracks to inputs C & D. Is that correct? If I am working with mono tracks do I need to assign inputs C & D or just run out of left channel of my effects box to say input C?
If the outboard gear has L/R stereo inputs, then Send1 and Send2 can be used to maintain the stereo image.​
The same signal flow would be used in Bounce mode. Please read "Equipment Related Tips" sticky thread post #30 for additional steps required to add an Input to a Bounce Track.​
For the benefit of others who may come to this forum looking for guidance, to minimize confusion, those posting should use the correct TASCAM terminology (e.g. Inputs are Assigned to Tracks). Please read the "New Members" sticky thread for guidance on how to search and post.​

The easiest way to get a handle on signal flow is to lay it out step by step on paper, like a flow chart.

Laying it out like this makes the signal flow clear; unambiguous; and easy to dissect and trouble shoot should an issue arise requiring assistance.

A. On the Portastudio, in the Mixer screen (being mindful of gain staging):
  1. Set the Master Send2 Knob to desired output signal level.
  2. Set the desired Tracks (e.g., 1~5) Send2 Knobs to the desired output signal level. This combines the output signals of all the desired Tracks into one output signal on the mono Send2 Output Jack.
  3. Set each Track's Pre/Post, depending on how you want to control the Track's signal to the mono Send2 Output Jack.
B. On the Outboard Gear:
  1. Adjust the incoming signal level from the combined portastudio Send2 mono Output Jack as needed.
  2. Set the outboard gear's output signal level going back to the portastudio as needed, being mindful of unity gain.
C. On the Portastudio:
  1. If your outboard gear is monophonic, bring the return signal into one Input. If the outboard gear is mono in/stereo out, bring the return signals (L/R) into two Inputs. Use the signal controls on the outboard gear and/or the portastudio Trim Knob(s) for the chosen Input(s) to adjust the incoming signal level.
D. On the Portastudio:
  1. Assign the Input(s) to the desired one or two Track(s) to which you want to record the effect.
You will now have the combined effect for the desired Tracks (e.g., 1 ~ 5) on a single track (if the outboard gear is mono); or if the outboard gear is stereo, either on two mono Tracks or one stereo Track.
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Felonious: Well I thought that’s what I was doing the first time, I went back and re-read Post #23, I think that was the appropriate one, In that post it sort of follows along with what you said, however it says to bounce? I followed your instructions directly and it sort of worked. What I mean by sort of, is Track 6 sound a bit weaker than Track 7, I don’t know what that’s all about. I also went back and read another thread, I forget by who, but it had to do with how you set up the inserts C & D,, I followed that one to the letter (the first time). I am wondering if I should go back and follow your instructions, however, Bounce - setting Track 5 as my source and Tracks 6 & 7 to REC... The learning curve on this is tough...
Each Input has it's own trim knob. In your case inputs C and D. That is where your different levels are coming from if all else is the same on the outboard gear. You can do another recording pass and get those levels to match. Just press the home button and locate your recording meters. Then match them up.

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You can only set one track to record in Bounce Mode, JP.

Sorry, that's not true. You can bounce to one stereo or two mono tracks.

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Felonious, Thanks a bunch, I still don’t know if I totally understand everything that I’ve read and that you have written, but I think I’m further ahead than I was this morning... I’m going to try a couple of things and see how it works out.. I’m also going to go back and look at a couple of Phil’s videos with the Diagrams. Maybe then some of this stuff will sink in... Thanks again...
Phil's videos will straighten you out for sure. Good luck, JP. Let me know if you need me.

Are inputs C and D on
You know I didn’t know I had to assign C and D to a track, I thought it was part of the Send Effect. So what you are saying is if I want the Delay effect on my Tracks 6 & 7 I need to assign input C & D to Tracks 6 & 7. I guess that makes sense. In other words if I want and external effect printed to any Track I will need to assign all of those Tracks to C & D. So if I want to add some external compression through Send Eff2 to say Tracks 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 I will need to assign all of those tracks to inputs C & D. Is that correct? If I am working with mono tracks do I need to assign inputs C & D or just run out of left channel of my effects box to say input C?

Any input must be assigned to be recorded.

This post outlines the exact procedure to do what you want:
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Mark Richards and MJK, Thanks for all your help in getting me up and running on this... I am in the process of going back through Phil’s videos (for the third time). I watched them and then when I actually start working with the machine, I need to go back because I now have some understanding of what he is talking about... I am redlining the heck out of the signal path diagram... Thank You...
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Be sure to post some links to your music when you are ready!
Felonious Said:

Your original vocal is on track 5. To print effect try this.

Set Track 5 send effect to pre and set full at 127
Assign track 6 and 7 to input C and D respectfully
Set track 6 and 7 to record.
Press play. You should be able to hear the signal from Track 5 with the applied FX on track 6 and 7 even with the fader for track 5 all the way down.
Get your effects set where you want them and then press record. When you press stop your FX will now print to track 6 and 7.

This works.... However, I diagramed it out, and I still don’t under stand why Track 5 has to have the Send Effect turned on to Pre/Post with the Send Effect 2 set to full (127). If I don’t do this then the Effect doesn’t get through to Tracks 6 & 7...

Track 5 was previously recorded therefore it would go straight through to the Stereo Bus when I press play. When I turn Send2 on in Track 5 by setting Send2 to Pre/Post it goes to the the Send2 Bus. So Track 5 is going both to the Stereo Bus and Send2 Bus.

Tracks 6 & 7 are assigned to inputs C & D respectively... I get this, my Send Effect should be going through that signal path and when I arm Tracks 6 & 7 it should go through to the Stereo Bus. However, Tracks 6 & 7, in this case, have the Send Eff2 set in the “off” position.

I don’t understand the relationship between the Send Eff2 being turned on for Track 5, ant the affect it has on Tracks 6 & 7

How am I misreading the diagram?

Were you assuming that I hadn’t already cloned track 5 to Tracks 6 & 7?
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@JP Illes Yes, I am assuming tracks 6 and 7 are empty at the start. I should have been more clear on that. The step by step method I gave you doesn't involve any cloned tracks. The new tracks (6 and 7) will be recorded with the effect instead of being cloned.

You should have the send effects on channel 6 and 7 turned off while using this method.

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OK, Maybe I get it now, maybe. The recorded Track 5 goes through to the Stereo Bus, and then it also goes through Send Eff2 on to the Send Bus. Since Track 5 goes through to the Stereo Bus, and Tracks 6 & 7 are armed to record, when I press the record button Track 6 & 7 will record what is on Track 5. By sending the Track 5 signal through Send Eff2 does it open a path for Tracks 6 & 7 to follow? Looking at the Block Diagram once the signals for Tracks 5, 6 & 7 hit the junction that goes south (south being down on the diagram) they all pass through Send Eff2. Am I correct in assuming that the path is open for all three Tracks to follow to the send Bus? If I am correct the Dry Signal of Track 5 and the Wet Signal of Tracks 6 & 7 all end up on the Send Bus as well as the Stereo Bus.. Is that the case? Or am I still screwed up... I’m still trying to figure out Track 5’s role in getting my effect recorded to Tracks 6 & 7. Since Track 5 doesn’t have any of the input C & D assigned to it..
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I think what I just said is wrong. I just realized that each one of those lines on the Track Diagram is a separate Track and there is no way that Tracks 6 & 7 could follow Track 5 through Send Eff2. So I still don’t understand the role of Track 5’s path through the Send Eff?
You are sending the dry signal from Track 5 via the Effect Send 2 to your Alesis Nanoverb and you are recording the signal coming back through inputs C and D Assigned to Tracks 6 and 7. Track 5 is your source and will remain unchanged.

I must admit I don't reference the block diagram very often. Phil is your man for that

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I must admit I don't reference the block diagram very often. Phil is your man for that

I have to emphasize this. I own the smaller DP-008EX but still with that device, when I try things first, in the end it was following the block diagram which got me enlightend. All the written and video explanations didn't match 100 % my special case.
With all the acquired knowledge you should be able now to figure it out just by the diagram how the flow sequence has to go to fulfill your requirements.

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