Any leads on where to find DM Firmware beta release notes/info?

Tip: If you can, find an old PC (XP or Windows 7 IIRC) and do the update from there. I believe also with Windows 7 but surely with Windows 10 you need ot use some sort of 'compatibility mode'. But it's been a long time since I did it..
It finally worked on Win10 with Win98/ME compatibility mode.
Granted I had to change out of this to run TC, cause Pro tools would lose it's mind trying to run both like this.
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Yeah, the WeTransfers last only one week. I don't know whether my package has a different driver than the Tascam site, but I put it up again here:
There's a read me file in the zip with some info about versions.
Hi Aajan. Can i have the link one more as i need this beta firmware. Thanks
Wetransfer link to the latest DM-Firmware.
Thank you, traceoflife. I've reviewed the folder you sent me and noticed that all the software files have .exe extensions. As a Mac OS user, I require the Mac OS software versions.

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