Another SD card question ...


New Member
Jun 25, 2024
Gear owned
None, looking at Model16
Hi all,

I've recently acquired a Tascam Model 16. Seems like quite a nice machine!

I'm now in on the SD card choice merry-go-round. I have the approved list open and am searching through various sites matching up the numbers. Within that approved list, there seems to be quite a variance of read/write speeds and classes etc. Does anyone know if there are significant advantages to buying one of the higher specc'ed cards.

And related: I can imagine it could be wiser to buy multiple smaller capacity cards than one large one (in case of failure). Or do the larger cards work better / more reliably up to the advised 70-80% full?
I'll put my nickel's worth in:

First off: under no circumstances should you stray from the Tascam-approved SD card list. There's plenty to choose from; they're available everywhere; they're cheep as $#y+; and - if you browse the forum - you'll be acutely aware of how common problems caused by "not-on-the-list" SD cards are.

RE - the read/write speeds: I personally use the Class II, ultra-high-speed cards. That said: I ALSO have a number of "ordinary" (Class I, lower transfer speed) cards, and they work fine. I've heard it argued that the in general, Tascams aren't able to utilize the higher speeds anyway (in MY case, it's more to facilitate faster transfers between my DP and my computer, as I routinely move a lot of tracks/projects back and forth, and maintain a pretty rigorous backup protocol).

RE - the size: I'd argue that choosing between more smaller cards and fewer bigger cards is strictly a matter of satisfying your preferred workflow/manner of organizing your work/projects. Six vs 1/2-dozen. I think that ANY size SD card (whether a 2GB or a 32GB) is subject to the common practice of NEVER filling a "drive" beyond that 75-80% threshold.
Another thing to think about is wear 'n tear on the unit's SD card slot/reader, and the effect of constantly inserting/removing cards. I recall a member here describing using some sort of SD card extension cable, whereby one end stayed inserted in the unit, and the other end had a normal slot for inserting/removing the SD cards as even if the extension thing wore it out or it malfunctioned, he simply replaced it (which would surely be a whole lot easier than replacing the reader inside your Model16!

Anyway.- that's my $0.02, which is probably about what it's worth. Bear in mind that this forum is filthy with guys that actually know whut the hail they're talking about; I'm just a bedroom-studio wannabe...🤷‍♂️
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Great reply, thanks for the info. Do I owe you a nickel or $0.02
I was absolutely intending to buy from the approved list. There are many cards that are so close to the right numbers!
I'll probably get a couple of smaller cards and maybe 1 512gb.
My "advice" is on the house.
Now, maybe you'd wanna trade me a bag of pucks for Patrik Laine?!?😜

PS - RE the specific SD card 'model' numbers:
It's at least POSSIBLE that you don't have to match them exactly, digit for digit...for one, the list is years old; for another, the card mfgr's probably change them a digit or two at a time to represent minor design or spec changes/revisions that probably won't affect their compatibility with your ModelXX; and the exact original ones may get harder to find, if at all.
Chances are if you go with the same manf'r and design/product category/class, they'll work fine. I know that I have a handful of 32GB SanDisk's that have their exact product number off by a coupla digits from the Approved List; I format them in my DP, and they work fine. I've had perhaps 2-3 "file error" debacles in several years of owning my DP-32 - THOUSANDS of recordings/projects (thankfully, I keep a rigorous backup process). YMMV.
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Thanks again. I think, initially at least, I'll stick EXACTLY to those 'model' numbers. I wouldn't know where I can play fast and loose. I have found a couple of cheapies that match and might experiment a bit at a later date. If I do, I'll be sure to report back.
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