
One kit per machine..
I received my 2seemy kit yesterday. I watched the installation video but it doesn't have enough details. I don't want to risk opening my console to get stuck. Can anyone send me step by step details to install 2seemy card on my Tascam DM 24 mixer. I don't think writing to Lomsa will help. Last time they didn't reply to my two emails.
Please help me. I want to instal the card on the ventilation board, above the expansion card space.
Thank you.
There’s detailed instructions on their website. Please go look.

And are you installing in a DM24 or DM32004800 because your photo shows your looking at the DM24 installation and your profile says you own an SX-1. This is the DM3200/4800 section of the forum you posted in..
After hemming and hawing for a few years about buying the 2seemy card I finally bit the bullet and got one. It came this morning and I installed it in about an hour. All I can say is - Why did I wait so long?! I have replaced a few LCD's in my DM3200 (and a couple in my old DM-24) and although the one currently in my mixer is still functioning properly, using an external 640 x 480 monitor instead of the built in LCD makes my mixer SO much easier to use. No more bending over the console to look at that tiny screen for me anymore. I have a very cheap VGA monitor and even so - now I can see all the controls big and bright-even from across the room. Even after one day of using it I never want to go back to the on-board LCD! Great investment in your console if you're considering it.

While installation wasn't too difficult, it was sometimes tough to see the on screen photos (there is no text installation manual) that are used as the installation instructions. At least on my computer the photos took a long time to load which slowed things down considerably. My install took a little extra thought because the unit showed in the photo installation instructions looked different than the one they sent me. (At first I thought they had sent me the wrong one!) I guess the 2seemy has been updated and simplified a bit since the photos were taken.

There are two choices given for how you may install the 2seemy. Install "A"or install "B". I used Install "B" because I didn't have a free slot on my mixer but If you have a free accessory slot then use Install "A" which is much more elegant than "B"and totally within the case of your mixer. (Keep in mind that using install "A" will eliminate a slot that you could use for some other add on card). Install "B" places the VGA connector card on the outside rear of the console fastened to the rear panel with 2 long screws that replace 2 of the original screws that hold the case together. It seems a little vulnerable to me as the board is totally exposed and only fastened to the mixer case with two longer acres provided with the kit.

The only modification that I decided I wanted to make was to add a small piece of foam between the VGA connector board and the rear console case, thereby insulating the VGA board from the DM3200's metal case. An additional benefit was that i was now able to change the angle of the VGA board relative to the back of the DM3200's case thus changing the angle of the VGA connector so it's lower coming out of the board. Without the foam the VGA connector was too high to allow the mixer to fit correctly into my desk. Certainly not a necessary mod but in my case I needed it.

I wouldn't say it's EASY to install the 2seemy card but if you're careful, take your time and "dry run" a few of the steps while you examine the photos I think it's not too bad. The ribbon cables are a little delicate but the only thing I worried about was losing any of the screws that were needed for the install or the ones I needed to re-assemble the mixer when I was finished.

After the installation is complete you're left with 4 screws from your console that were replaced by screws that came with the 2seemy kit. I put mine in a small ziploc bag and taped the bag inside the bottom of my mixer so if i ever need to remove the 2seemy I'll have the original screws.

All-in-all a great add-on and a major upgrade for your DM-24, DM3200 or DM4800.
What do you think about sending us a few photos? Your descriptions are good, but a few pics would really show us what you did. Thanks!
Sorry. I guess I wasn’t thinking to take photos while I did the installation. Just thought I would post my experience as a word of encouragement to anyone that is undecided about the 2seemy card.
No apology necessary. Was just hoping you could send a pic of the exposed board on the back of the mixer. I was hoping to see whether or not that looked like a problem.
And another happy 2Seemy owner here since yesterday. Sorry, I was by myself and wasn't able to make a video while fiddling inside the DM.
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Here's a photo of my setup. The screen on the left shows the DM screen, but it is also connected to the Mac Pro so it can be used as a third screen, showing analysers and plug-in windows and such.


Oh, and don't mind my MacBook, it just happened to be there but has nothing to do with the audio setup. :)
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could someone tell me if it is safe to buy on 2seemy.com, when I go to buy it, Pay Pal appears and I don't see which address the shipment is going to be made to?
It’s been a little over a year since I got mine but I had no trouble at all. Keep in mind that if you just emailed them a short time ago that it is the weekend as well as the middle of the night where they are. If you’re worried at least wait a couple of days till they reply. Once I ordered mine it came pretty quickly. Probably about a week if I remember correctly.
Sometimes I have to enter my shipping info into PayPal. Depends on the vendor.
@RAYZOR22 The purchase & delivery of my unit proceeded without a hitch. Subsequent correspondence with the those in charge went extremely as well. You have nothing to worry about. Look for the response in your junk mail folder.
Great company
2Seemy seem a very small operation (maybe 1 person?) but totally reliable AFAIK. Give them some time and they'll reply and send you a great addition to an already great mixer!
I'm very happy with 2Seemy. Installation is beyond beginner level.
Watch the videos to be sure it is O.K. for your level of expertise.
So great to see the little screen on a bigger screen!
Changed the way I work with the DM.
Love it!
I don’t see instructions on the 2seemy site for the external installation steps (the option that does not require an expansion slot). They have instructions for the card slot option, showing photos. I guess I’ll contact them and see what they say.
I installed my 2seemy interface externally so I didn’t have to waste a slot. They used to have instructions for both internal and external installation. I didn’t see the external instructions on their site which has been updated since I bought my 2seemy a number of years ago. Perhaps if you shoot them an email they can send you the instructions.

Once I started using 2seemy I don’t know how I ever worked without it. It’s kind of interesting because before I installed this I used to have to change LCDs every couple of years and since I’ve installed the 2seemy card I haven’t had any problems.
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You know, check out the installation instructions for the installation on the DM24. The last section shows you how to do installation type “B” which is the external mounting without a card slot. It just involves running the ribbon cable out of one of the vent slots. Use the internal, electrical instructions for the DM3200 and then the at the last step switch to the DM24 instructions to see how the case mounting is done. I had to insert a small piece of foam between the card and the case of the DM3200 but I think it was only because of the way my mixer is setup on my desk.
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