I Love Making Music

Lyrikal Israel

New Member
Oct 29, 2022
Gear owned
Tascam DP32SD
It's been a good ten years since I have put together anything. But I truly love just starting with a pen and paper then figuring out the musical instrumentation. Going from the paper to the guitar, bass, drums, keyboard, then vocals.

I moved from the states from Chicago 5 years ago to Brugge Belgium and I wanted to find band members but that has gone no where. I just can't find the people as the folks that I have met just aren't serious so I wasted 5 years.

I just recently was put in Jail for Marijuana growing and suspected dealing but I wasn't dealing, I was just sharing with a couple of guys but I got caught with 5 grams on me, then the cops went to my house and I had 2 grow tents plus one plant and 800 grams in jars. You talk about having a bad luck day, I surely had it on this day. My world was torn apart in a matter of minutes...

I did 77 days in the can and the cops did their investigation but the evidence showed that I wasn't dealing and my lawyer got me out. Yeah I have to now be clean for 3 months, piss tests, etc but believe me I dont want any green. Biggest mistake of my life let me tell you, I learned a lesson that I will never forget.

How dumb was I to have had 5 grams on me that day and I was busted here because cops do control checks and I happened to be at the park that day July 27 and they come and you have to show ID plus they check your bags so I was busted, caught red handed. Here if you have over 3 grams then the cops go to your house to check it for more if under 3 grams, they just take it from you and tell you to get lost so I was truly up shit creek. In America I would have a 15 year sentence so I'm more than grateful to have my freedom back.

During those 77 days in "they call it Prison but it's more like a jail" I wrote over 300 songs believe it or not so now I'm going to fight for righteousness through my music as they profiled me and that's no bullshit.

I today purchased a drum mic kit so I'm going for it, doing it the right way. I'm grateful that I wrote all these songs as I have the confidence to get it all done by myself. Previously I lacked that confidence but getting busted gave me that kick in the ass that I needed.

My 1st song that I'm going with is called Locked Up.

Best of success to you all in your musical production endeavors...

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