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Just got my DP24SD after not having used a TASCAM since the late 90's. Glad to join the club of TASCAM users around the world.
I started out using Garageband, but I got tired of dealing with software/hardware upgrades. Did my homework and decided to buy a DP-24SD to simplify my recording process. I've messed with it for 4+ years, but now I'm trying to get more serious about recording. Sing & play acoustic guitar (6, 12, and Nashville strung) & electric (Solo Guitar Tele knockoff). Also have outboard drum pad, keys and vocal processor.
Thanks so much Alan - I may be telling folks what they already know; After installing this new version, I still had the same symptoms - i.e. it looked like it was connecting, but would just hang. I noticed that in the folder you sent it had a file called 'clear preferences' and so I did that. It meant I had to create a new studio in MXView, and re-enter the IP addresses for my 3 machines, BUT it worked!

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