Where is the "dedicated interface software"??


New Member
Jun 29, 2024
Gear owned
TASCAM Model 16
Hi - I just bought a Model 16. The manual says to use it as an interface I have to download "the dedicated software". I can't find this anywhere. They don't mean the firmware, surely, as that is software for the unit, not the computer.

The only link it gives in the manual is the top level TEAC website which isn't very useful.

I don't have/use a ModelXX...I'mma PortaStudio guy.
But despite living in an area where the cattle are more intelligent than the people, and there are fewer people than at a death-metal concert at an old-folks home...I DO have the internet, and have learned of a modern marvel called "google" that appears to be a extensive source of info on just about anything...😜

I dunno if this is relevant to your issue, but the Tascam.com Model16 page has this in the FAQ section:

"The Model 12 is the only unit that has the DAW Control function. This is because the unit is built around a DIGITAL mixer. The earlier Model 24 and Model 16 are built around ANALOG mixers so they cannot have this function."
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No, that isn't relevant, and I have googled it. I found it eventually.
Sorry I couldn't be more/better help...just taking a stab at it...
But - great that you found it! Perhaps post that odd name, and its' link, for others to find via forum search?

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