I hear you! If I found a board that simply did what this one does, for anywhere near a reasonable price for me, I would relearn the new board’s workflow.
as it is, after decades of DAWs and software, I have come to realize I prefer having my mixing and recording activity be physical, with as little interface tweaking and computation in the DAW as possible. I really enjoy working in a workflow where I don’t have a mouse or trackpad in my hand unless needed for some deeper function, where everything for a recording session works without a single DAW running, and I can mix with my hands without having a screen to reference besides metering and monitoring. Then, DAWs on top as instruments, recorders, dsp, editor/sequencers, librarians etc as needed is fine, but the modern trend of boards and control surfaces with touchscreens are way closer than the DM to a computer-centric workflow that I seek to avoid.
Definitely doesn’t stop me from checking out other boards though! If one appears that ticks my boxes for anything close to an affordable price, I’m gonna consider it.