Vocal/stem separation (removing guitar bleed from vocal)

Phil Tipping

Staff member
Feb 16, 2016
West Wales, UK
Gear owned
Have just tried a couple of vocal removal/separation tools which may be of interest.
By way of introduction, I recorded a song about 9 years ago where the singer/songwriter wanted to play acoustic guitar and sing at the same time.
The guitar had a built-in pickup & pre-amp so it was easy to record this on a separate track, but the vocal had some spill from the guitar.
I used the conventional trick with a figure-of-8 mic (Rodes K2) with the null pointing to the guitar, and this was good enough for the artist to release the song.
Here's a short extract of the original unprocessed vocal track for reference:
- Original (all wave files are hosted on the pCloud file server, so apologies for any adverts).

I always wanted to re-process the song when I had more time, but the spill on the vocals kept putting me off... until now.
This is an online tool by Gaudio Lab (I have no affiliation; it was just in the 'top 10' list of vocal removers).
They offer a free trial, but if you want high quality wave files, you have to pay. I bit the bullet and bought 50mins for about 7usd (5.90 gbp).
Here's the result:
- Gaudio Lab Vocal HQ
I couldn't hear any trace of the guitar, yet the vocal seems completely intact, right down to the breath sounds. I've only listened on laptop earbuds so there may be some glaring artefacts audible on the studio monitors, but I'm impressed so far :)

Just one tip in case you try it. They also offer a 'stem separation' option, which I guess separates out more instruments, as opposed to just vocals and everything else.
I tried it for comparison, but did not see a quality setting. I might have driven it incorrectly, but my result was not as good. You can still hear the guitar spill in places, although it's still extremely quiet:
- Gaudio Lab Stem

I then came across a comment that some online sites use freely available tools. I can't vouch for this, but I downloaded a free one called Ultimate Vocal Remover (UVR5).
There are several settings which were way over my head, and couldn't find any simple guidelines, so just used the defaults:
- UVR 5.6.0
It's not as good as the online one, and there's an obvious background buzzing sound, but this may be fixable with different settings.

Hope this was helpful.
Thanks Phil. This is something I might want to add to my tool kit.

So I downloaded and installed UVR 5.6.0, used it on an acoustic guitar track with a fairly loud vocal bleed, and it cleanly removed the vocal bleed.

For giggles, I ran the same acoustic guitar track with the vox bleed but this time set the pgm to remove the guitar (the primary, louder signal). It almost completely removed the instrument, and leaving a clear, usable vox in its place with a barely, barely detectable guitar.

This one's a keeper. Thanks for the link. :)
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