us-122 on win11


New Member
May 16, 2024
Gear owned
US 122
Hey there!

I dug my Tascam US-122 USB interface out of deep storage, got it home, and discovered that, like happens so often with deep storage stuff, the technological world had made it obsolete. Windows 11 on my Lenovo Yoga 14 is core-isolated, causing problems with USB drivers again and again. This would not be the first time I'd have bested these beasts. However, not willing to take NO for an answer too quickly, I dug into - yup - the internet, and found that this problem had been confronted before.

Not that I was all that desperate to make this thing work, I have a new-ish Yamaha mixing board at hand (with phantom), and also have dedicated phantom PSUs for my condenser mics. Still... onwards. After all, I'd gotten the carrying case delivered, so my "investment" in the device had become newly renewed!!! ...for three bucks. (ha ha ha)

Here is a reasonably accurate retelling of the operation, tho it seems to me less of a keystroke-by-keystroke guide than it is a general rendition. To those so inclined, I look forward to your input on detail, corrections, etc.


Tascam US 122 USB Audio/MIDI interface

In order to run this on Windows 11 computer, core isolation must be turned off (which puts the computer at risk of malware).

Device driver (US12 driver) will not load without turning off core isolation, which requires computer restart.

Windows 11 is not compatible with the drivers for the US122, so the executable property sheets must be opened, and compatibility chosen – select Windows Vista, which worked 240516 on Lenovo Yoga computer DESKTOP_P9T26NG.

Driver files are BOTH incompatible with Core Isolation and NOT REMOVED BY UNINSTALL, so the must be deleted mantually in order to restore core isolation.

Incompatible drivers are:







Administrator permissions must be invoked to manually delete these files, one by one.

In File Repository, must go to ADVANCED, take ownership and then click on FULL CONTROL, then close property window and delete files.

I look forward to hearing from you all and sundry!

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