Traveling Musical Scribe


New Member
Dec 31, 2024
Gear owned
Tascam DP-24 w/CD burner
Hello everyone!! HAPPY NEW YEAR
My name is David (Dave) Whitehawk. I am a long-time (45 yrs) music 'nerd' - singer/songwriter, vocalist, sound-man, tinker, crafter, and an ongoing student of life.
I recently purchased a Tascam DP-24 w/CD burner and midi. I typically use DAW for recording work, and do have a Tascam CD-RW901SL that I have mounted in my mixer rack for recording live shows, but, had ventured into the realm of mobile recording.
So, I'm here to learn and make some friends 😁
Congrats - speaking as someone whose experiences w DAWs (spanning 20+ years) has been about as enjoyable as getting a chainsaw pedicure, I absolutely adore my MTR’s, in particular my O/G DP-32.

Like @Phil Tipping sez: the “sticky posts” at the top of the forum category for DP-24/32’s is beyond indispensable.

And for ease-of-use/quick answers/reference, you might even consider his User’s Guide - it’s so good that you’ll be using Tascam’s lame O/Manual for wiping up kitchen spills.
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Welcome Dave!

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