Track 1 fader reading lower volumes despite being maxed out on DP24SD


New Member
Aug 29, 2024
Gear owned
Tascam dp24sd
Hello tascam forums!

I've been having an issue with my dp24sd over the last few days. The track 1 fader has been reading low volume even if the fader is turned up all the way.

It wont let me post images, but in the mixer, track one volume is reading -4.5 db when maxed out. All the other tracks are reading normally at +6 db.

Strangely enough, if I move track 1 fader down or up, the volume will read normally then start making its way back down on its own.

I've formatted the SD card to see if that would change anything and it didn't. So I'm not entirely sure what it is or what to do. If anyone has any input on this on what else I should try, please let me know!
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Based on your description of symptoms - you MIGHT have a dirty/damaged fader. But it would be unlikely to go bad suddenly...unless you pour beer over the faders to inspire creativity?!?

Super-longshot: something in the CH1 circuitry blew. That's for a tech to determine.

Hopefully one of the smart doods here has other/better ideas, buuuut...
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@shredd, hahaha no beer pouring over here! My unit is pretty dusty, I'll have to give it a good cleaning soon to see if that fixes the issue.

I've only noticed the issue recently. I haven't recorded much lately cause my band has been prepping for our first tour this week, and my only usage of the dp24sd was over the last few days was mastering a song, then playing back for transferring the music to a cassette tape.

Loaded up a song that was on there from a couple weeks ago and noticed the kick was gone (I pretty much always use track 1 for kick drum). That was yesterday and when I first noticed it. I don't remember that happening during the recording of that song either ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

Will give it a good cleaning though
Hm! May I first marvel at your ASCII-based shrug. OSSUM!

But considering the dusty-ness thing, I'll betcha a bag of pucks you've got a pretty dirty fader going there. The only thing that stops me from thinking that's probably the problem is it didn't happen to any OTHER faders, nor any of the buttons/controls...
Time will tell I guess. Good luck - and post your results for others to see!
The meters are not post-fader. Moving the faders has no effect on the metering.

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