The best way to burn a CD from DP 24

Dave Yancey

New Member
Aug 15, 2016
Frostbite Falls
Gear owned
tascam dp 24
Whats the best way to burn a CD from a DP 24 without going into a computer (using Logic)? Would like to make a rough mix to listen in the car for reference. Thanks!
I don't understand your question. Read the manual page 84, it's all there.
Thats a lot of help. Its all where? Manual only goes to 78 pages. Its a DP 24 SD not the one with a CD burner.
Thats a lot of help. Its all where? Manual only goes to 78 pages. Its a DP 24 SD not the one with a CD burner.
If you are looking for information you should at least post the correct model number. Maybe someone else will care to help you ... I don't.
Dave, suggest you update your profile gear info to say dp-24sd instead of dp-24. That way, we can second-guess if you forget to mention exact model in future posts. There's a lot of dp-24 (cd) models out there so it's an easy oversight :)
Re. question, you mention Logic but I presume your 'rough mix' is already being done with the dp-24sd, so you're just after a way of burning the master wave file onto a CD? If so, then you either need a device which can burn audio in real-time, e.g. as mentioned by Roundhill. You'd connect this to the master outputs on the dp-24sd, put it in Mastering mode and press Play. These are very expensive though.
Or you need a device which can burn a CD direct from an SD-Card, or via USB. I used to have a gadget from EZDigiMagic which burned files from SD-Cards to CDs but don't know if they're still around. They were useful for archiving photos & videos from a camera sd-card if you didn't have a computer handy, but mine burnt every file so don't know how you'd select individual ones as there was no menu. Update - just realised these don't actually burn audio CDs so would be no good at all - doh!!
Maybe you'll have to resort to a computer after all. If it's a question of budget, you could get a cheap 2nd-hand one. Standard MS Windows machines can burn audio CDs with no extra software, or you could go with linux... or update your car stereo system to one which takes sd-cards direct (assuming these exist).
By the way, the forum is not connected with Tascam - you may be lucky if one of their staff happens to read your posts but it's not an official channel. Good luck.
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