Setup question


New Member
Apr 19, 2016
Gear owned
tascam dm3200
Hello Everybody.
Okay so i have the Tascam dm3200, all set, but i dont have any incoming signal, i dont even see the leds on the db meter going on. Im using the tascam with the if fwd mkii as my sound card. Do i have to set up the outputs on the tascam to receive the signal/sound incoming from the pc. if so, where can i find this/dot this.

My set up:
Usb (tascam) to pc
Firewire (if fwd mkii) to pc
2 xlr from tascam stereo outputs to monitors.
Thnx for not responding it actually helped me to figure it out haha.
I have another question, in the tascam3200 screen mode "remote" ext.ctrl and machine ctrl i added the hui for protools but in the state i have a cross, not the closed loop, why is this?
Seek and you shall find. Please refer to the support site. It has the manuals for HUI installations for all the major DAWS. Any questions you may have will gladly be answered after you've done your homework first.
Hey guys ,
I would like to mix through my Tascam DM4800 not via logic as I would like to use no plug ins... any one have any suggestions ?
How to set this up so I can actually mix in an analogue way.
Do I go through Logic pro 9 or the Tascam its self.
Most easily done if you have the firwire card installed where you would route audio from Logic into the board. With this method you'd not only be a able to mix using the board but you can also use your plugins as well if you wanted to.
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I already have the firewire set up in my mixer...I can record to logic from my mixer however, I dont know what I need to assign to send my tracks from logic to my mixer... I hope this is not confusing !! I appreciate your help
It appears that most people now mix in the box these days, and for some good reasons. So, before you go though the effort to do this, you may want to consider some things, such as the differences. I'm not trying to sway you, just offering some things to think about.

When you work all in the box, saving your project saves everything, including your mix, automation, plug-ins, virtual instruments, etc. Mixing through the mixer means that you'll need to save your mix settings on your compact flash card or on your computer via TMCompanion. So, you'll need to name your files for each song so you can easily restore computer and mixer settings if you later return to a mix.

Also, the DM is a digital mixer, so while it may feel analog, you'll still be mixing in the digital domain just like you would be "in the box". It'd be different if you were mixing in a great sounding Neve, SSL, or some such analog mixer or one with an analog signal chain that would impart some of its own signal changing characteristics.

That said, there are some signal changing characteristics imparted by the A/D and D/A conversion process each time you go back and forth, but these are not generally considered changes that improve the sound. You don't say whether you'll be converting out of the box and going into the DM line inputs and mic pres in analog, or transferring the tracks in the digital domain, such as via Firewire, but you should at least be aware of what you'll be doing.

You mentioned not using any plug-ins, but not whether that means no signal processing, or that you intend to use the mixer's EQ, compression, limiters, effects, etc., or outboard gear, or actually no processing. But if you'll be using the mixer's effects, they're digital, just like plug-ins. And if you use outboard gear, unless it's truly analog gear from the past or a new analog version, you'll be converting again to digital, processing the signal, then coming back to analog -- more of these aforementioned conversions.

Finally, I'm not saying you shouldn't do what you desire, just saying that you need to think through what you're intent is and what you want to achieve, because if it's a true analog sound, you might want to stay in the analog domain and record to tape, or stay in the digital domain and use tape sound plug-ins and saturators.

If all you want is to mix with a physical analog "feel", that's what the Remote mode is for -- it can control your DAW faders, Pans, etc., so you can enjoy the tactile feeling of using physical controls rather than mixing with a mouse, track ball, or touch pad.

There are so many ways to go that it's very important to define what sound you're after, and thaty will inform your options. Similarly, it's hard for us to help without a lot more info along these lines, but I hope this helps.
In going back to the start of this thread, it's obvious that who I thought was the OP and I have inadvertently hijacked it -- my apologies to the group and original OP. I'll not do this again.
I already have the firewire set up in my mixer...I can record to logic from my mixer however, I dont know what I need to assign to send my tracks from logic to my mixer... I hope this is not confusing !! I appreciate your help
I don't know Logic, but you want to assign the tracks in your project as individual outputs to the 1-32 inputs of the IFFW. Then in the DM, assign these inputs to channels, so in the routing screen input tab, select SLOT1-1 to SLOT1-32 to the channels you want to use (most likely channels 1-32). If you set things up smartly, you can have these IFFW inputs lined up already at the RTN positions, so all you need to do is flip them in groups of 8 (Source Invert in the lower left corner). Hope this helps..
Hello All,

Im Jeff

I have a Tascam DM 3200 very proud new owner I recently had the screen replaced as it was faulty when I purchased the item, their are no iffw-dm card slots on the back or adat card slots, I am unable to use the internal interface is this due to the card slots?
I can however use it as a remote control surface with Logic X on a 12"Macbook
running El Capitan via an Alesis io2 interface \
I actually want to be able to plug in instruments directly into the desk
and can anyone tell me how to cascade two desk together I think I read on here somewhere that manufacturing of the cable is no longer in production ?
I was advised by a third party to buy thunderbolt cable to USB to go directly the desk however I am a little puzzled ;-/

many thanks
Hi Jeff, and welcome.
How do you mean 'unable to use the internal interface'? And if you are able to use it as a control surface, this suggests you already are connected via USB?
I would strongly suggest to find an IFFW/DM2 firewire interface (no longer available new), though I don't know Macs so there could be a connection issue..
Hi Arjan, Sorry what I actually forgot to say is when I plug in a mic or guitar into the line input sockets I get nothing as in no level or sound being detected from the Dm 3200, I can only record via my Alesis io2 interface, however I recently met someone who also had a Dm 3200 and he was not using an audio interface he was going directly to the Dm3200 however he did have the firewire card slot in the back because my machine has no card slots however I maybe able to source the firewire card and the surround sound card, but in the meantime is it possible to use the internal audio interface,
Hello again Guys dies anyone know how you get to the specific screen on the Dm3200 which shows like box looking objects of what your connecting to and you can I think drag lines or something like that to how your specific setup is, I saw a video on youtube with the Tascam dm 3200 and their were actual screenshots of this being done, however I lost the video link ;-/ doh
Ofcourse you can use the DM as an 'audio interface', that's the main purpose of any mixer. Although plugging in a guitar in a line input probably won't cut it, since there will be unmatched impedances there. A mic should be connected to a mic input, but I'm sure that's what you meant to say.

So you must have a routing issue. If you push the 'Routing' button on the right of the display, the routing screens come up. In the 'Input' tab, select as 'Source' (right lower corner box) M/L, then make sure you are on the layer you want (right upper corner box). Finally in the channel box you want (channels 1-16 if layer CH 1-16 was selected), make sure you select the input you want for the channel where you want that input. Easiest is: use M/L input 1 on the back of the mixer, take the left top box for channel 1, and on the upper part of that box make sure M/L 1 is selected. Now your mic on input 1 is routed to channel 1. See p.47 of the DM3200 user manual for more detail.
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