Send Effect Question for the DP-24(SD)

Neon Horn

New Member
Jun 1, 2016
Gear owned
Tascam DP-008EX

I have a question regarding the send effects for the DP 24SD

What I can't figure out is if the EFF1 sends audio to the "Send 1" Jack and if the EFF2 sends audio to the "Send 2" Jack (both mono signals). Alternatively does EFF2 send stereo audio information to Send 1 & 2 to feed a stereo signal processor?

I keep reading contradictory information regarding this on the DP-24SD.

Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

Thank you,
Hi Mike, the sends are mono and independent as in your first statement. You can make them stereo if you route a left channel to one & a right to the other. The Monitor Select button allows you to listen to each Send so you can see what's going on. The block diagram is worth getting your head round to clarify things - might seem daunting at first but it's a good logical overview.
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Hello Phil,
Thank you so much for taking the time to respond.
Regarding the block diagram... I haven't looked at schematic's since I built crystal radios. I really should try and get my head around it :)

I'd like to echo Phil's comment on the block diagram. I used to have a 244 (yes I'm that old!) and with both that and the new DP-32, the block diagram has been my constant go-to reference. Don't be put off by a fear of reading schematics or circuit diagrams. The block diagram is's a simple functional layout which shows how your signal goes from point A to point B and what happens in between. It also shows why sometimes your signal isn't showing up at point B as expected, or, why, without you realizing it, the signal is also showing up at points C and D.

I have a large (11X17") copy printed and tack it up on the wall above the Portastudio for instant reference. The manual itself rarely needs to get opened. Hope that helps!
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Hello Jim, thanks for the tip, I'll definitely get familiar with the block diagram.

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