I want to use some outboard gear connected to the DM4800 in Logic. I have the IF-FW/DMmkII inside the Tascam.
I have now connected a reverb on assign send 1-2 and the return 1-2
What is already working:
in the INPUT routing menu I have on ch25-26 Slot1-1 Slot1-2(those are my stereo out from Logic), from ch27-32 I have Slot1-3, 1-4 and so on.
So if I put my track in Logic on output 3-4, it comes in on ch27-28 I have a send on those channels and I get the signal to my reverb.
I can route the ass return 1-2 f.e to ch9-10 on the input routing menu without any problem. There I have my reverb. So far so good (I think)
How do I get this back into logic?
Routing M/L9-10 to an output slot 17-18 f.e doesn't get my reverb signal into the DAW
Could anyone tell me on how to set the routing in the tascam so I can use the outboard into a DAW?
I want to use some outboard gear connected to the DM4800 in Logic. I have the IF-FW/DMmkII inside the Tascam.
I have now connected a reverb on assign send 1-2 and the return 1-2
What is already working:
in the INPUT routing menu I have on ch25-26 Slot1-1 Slot1-2(those are my stereo out from Logic), from ch27-32 I have Slot1-3, 1-4 and so on.
So if I put my track in Logic on output 3-4, it comes in on ch27-28 I have a send on those channels and I get the signal to my reverb.
I can route the ass return 1-2 f.e to ch9-10 on the input routing menu without any problem. There I have my reverb. So far so good (I think)
How do I get this back into logic?
Routing M/L9-10 to an output slot 17-18 f.e doesn't get my reverb signal into the DAW
Could anyone tell me on how to set the routing in the tascam so I can use the outboard into a DAW?