Possible Windows 7 / Sonar Driver Problem


New Member
Dec 21, 2013
Gear owned
DM 4800
Apologies, I posted this as a conversation but I should have posted it as a thread, so second time lucky...

I've been happily running Sonar X1 on XP with my DM4800 - thanks to the guides on the forum getting me set up.

I recently got a new machine so I could upgrade to a 64 bit OS - Windows 7 and Sonar Platinum - now the problems start.

The essential problem is that Windows appears to only recognise the IFFW as some sort of generic soundcard. As a result, when I open the drivers page in Sonar, all I see is two channels of input and output.

I've followed the driver installation instructions to the letter and the Fw card in the computer is recognised and is talking to the DM. In addition, the DM shows up in the TMC fine.

One other piece of contextual information, if I try to set up DM control surface using Mackie Control, I seen no USB ports - just midi (though the mixer is connected via USB to the computer of course). The FW and USB cables are those I've been using successfully with the original XP machine.

Lastly, Sonar plays back fine - but only using the two channels that the computer recognises in the driver.

At this point, I've run out of ideas so any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Problem solved. Loading the legacy firewire driver and the beta drivers (thanks Redbox), got everything up and running. One thing that did confuse me was the fact that the various midi ports/slots show up as USB under XP, whereas they are (more correctly) attributed to Tascam DM4800 midi with the new drivers.

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