Porta One recording issue


New Member
Feb 10, 2025
Gear owned
Porta One

I have a Tascam Porta One. It was fully functional, however it now seems to be unable to record. I'm almost certain it's not user error, however I've not used it in a long time, so this might be a simple mistake I'm making.

I can hear playback from the tape through the headphones and separately, can also hear playback from the microphone inputs - the tape rewinds, plays, fast forwards as expected. I am setting the switch to "Cue" when I record. I hit play & rec and the red light above the input selector starts blinking. The light never seems to go solid and I think this is the issue. Is this a fault or am I doing something wrong?
I'm just the Village Idiot here...but I'm also old enough to remember that cassette tapes have "recording protection tabs" molded into the plastic casing...
Is it possible that the tape you're trying to record with has broken/missing ones - OR that your unit's detector for these is malfunctioning?
Prolly worth checkin' out... 🤷‍♀️

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