Newbie asks about Model 12 digital effects assignment


Jul 14, 2024
Gear owned
Model 12
Hello all, At this point in my training, I've created a multi track digital recording on the model 12. I followed the recommendation to record the instruments "dry" where feasible. Too, I understand how to access the effects menu on the Model 12, select an effect and switch that effect on. I understand that on each channel there is an aux2/fx rotary knob for adding the effect to my track(s). However, when doing a regular playback with all relevant tracks switch to MTR, I am not hearing the reverb through the main output( red slider) to the studio PA. How can I correct this? Please advise.
Things to check:
- channel Aux 2 is not fully rotated counter-clockwise
- nothing is plugged in the Aux 2 rear output jack ("NOFX" alert in the upper right of LCD screen)
- FX is ON
- FX Mute is off
- FX is assigned to Main
- FX fader is at least middle way

If you hear the effects when applied to LIVE input then you should hear also with MTR input; if effects get through the Main bus then can be recorded on the Main Mix tracks 11/12.
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Max, thanks for the checklist. I've copied and pasted it into a notepad file . Hopefully, this will become second nature with practice. Appreciated.
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